Mise en Place...

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Narrator's POV

It seemed Abigail had also picked up on Hannibal's hint, she elbowed Abel in the face whilst he was staring at the other males.

Dropping the gun, Abel found himself pushed down onto the couch and straddled by the young woman.

Because Abigail was at a disadvantage because the man was physically stronger than her, she began to choke him with her hands, using her knees to hold his hands down.

Try as he might to kick at her, Gideon knew the battle was lost.

Before the huntress could kill her prey —using the man's own gun that had a homemade silencer— Hannibal stopped her, "Don't kill him just yet; shoot him in the hips."

Trusting her adoptive father's judgement, Abigail did as told and shot Abel twice —on either side of his hips.

Yelling in pain, Gideon quickly found himself bound, gagged and on a stretcher like he had before.

He was wheeled into the basement and placed in a cell beside from Miriam's.

"I told you, Abel, you aren't making it out alive." Will growled as he closed the door to the cell


Going back upstairs, Will and Hannibal comforted their still-distressed daughter with a hug.

Hannibal led Abigail into the kitchen for some relaxing lavender tea and Will went to check up on the babies.

Finding the 'twins' sleeping peacefully and unharmed, Will finally relaxed.

Going outside, he saw the dogs still wondering the backyard, so he opened the door to let Buster and Winston in.

His family was safe, that's all that mattered.

And now his family had a constant source of fresh meat until their dinner party.


With that distraction out of the way, plans resumed.

Hannibal used his seemingly infinite wealth —at least it felt that way to Will who was used to living on the verge of poverty— to get fourteen passports —ten human ones and four pet ones.

The first seven passports would get them out of the United States and into Croatia —because that country didn't have an extradition treaty with the United States, thus protecting them in case their fake passports were traced.

The second set would get them from Croatia into Italy, where they would be living in Florence for the foreseeable future.

False identities had also been arranged for when they did make it to Florence.

They would be traveling in three groups: Abigail would be traveling a few hours ahead of them with Mischa; Hannibal and Will would be leaving at the same time but traveling separately —Mariner with Hannibal and the dogs with Will.

Abigail had asked why she would be taking Mischa and not the dogs when she was informed of the plan.

"Because you two are the most at risk." Will had explained, "If the plan goes horribly wrong and we're arrested, you will automatically be suspected as an accessory or partner. And if the three of us are arrested, Mischa will end up in foster care. Mariner isn't as much at risk because if worst happens he will end up with Margot. If you're in Italy with Mischa and we are arrested, you will be able to look after each other in Italy using Hannibal's resources."

They would be leaving separately because the police, F.B.I., and airport security would be looking for two men, a teenager, two infants and two dogs leaving the country together.


For the party, Hannibal sent just four invitations, requesting Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Bedilia Du Maurier and Frederick Chilton join him for dinner on Sunday night.

All of the guests accepted their invited.


Even though Gideon was providing a steady supply of meat via his limbs, Hannibal and Will wanted to eliminate one more pig they wouldn't allow to grace their dinner table.

Normally, this honor would belong to Mason Verger, but Margot had killed him shortly after Mariner's birth and taker her place as the new head of the Verger Family using Mariner.

Technically, the month old baby was the head of the family and Margot was just proxy until he was of age.

Both Will and Hannibal wondered if she would be allowed to keep her wealth once their family fled.

So, this dishonorable pig, Freddie Lounds, would have to do.

Clad in their clear murder suits, Hannibal and Will broke into Freddie's apartment in Baltimore.

Finding her typing at her laptop, Will ambushed her and ended up tacking her.

The redhead tried to scream but Will gagged her and held her hands back.

Hannibal tied her feet together and they sat her back at her desk.

Holding a knife to her throat, Will told her to open a new document and begin typing what they told her.

Freddie knew she was a dead-woman walking so she tried to open her webcam to record this, but Will stopped her and nicked her throat for the attempt.

"Don't play smart, Freddie, doing what we say will get you a quick death." Will warned, holding the knife against her jugular

"I always knew you were insane, Graham." Freddie said

Will rolled his eyes, "What I am is not insanity, it is my truest self. I've finally let him out of the cage forced upon it by society."

"Let me guess, he freed you?" Freddie sarcastically asked

"Fear makes you bold, Ms. Lounds." Hannibal commented, reading everything she typed

"Hannibal didn't let me out, I did, he just told me I've had the key to my cage all along." Will replied, "Tick-Tock, Freddie, I'd hate to have you publish an incomplete article."

Fearfully, Freddie continued typing.

Forty minutes later, she produced the completed article completely edited to their specifications.

Picking up Freddie's camera, Will snapped a picture of the bound journalist.

They then began their design, doing exactly what they made her type to her.

Will broke each of her fingers one by one while Hannibal cut out her eyes and replaced them with pyrite marbles.

Hannibal then cut out her vocal cords, sewing the wound shut, the stitches spelling out "Liar".

Finally, the empath cut off her foot and shoved it into her mouth.

A picture was taken on each step and all of them were uploaded to the article.

Once they were done, they pressed publish and left the scene...

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