One Lie Told

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(A/N: so before: I get into ths chapter I wanna explain something first.  when the two of us started this as an RP, it was just for fun and never originally intended to be a full-on story, so we STARTED it a few years into the couples' relationships.  I'm mentioning this because until I reach the part where we started it, I'm gonna be jumping around time-wise for a while, becuase it was never detailed until now, so if it seems a little all over the place just....stick with me, stick with me)

Lis: "If you're waiting for me to make a move, you have a long wait ahead of you."

Andy: "You just did."
And this was the point there was no coming back from.

Lis: "No...."
I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

Lis: "NOW I did...." I surprised myself by kissing him in the first place.  But I was even more shocked when he pulled me back to him to kiss me again. 

- a few weeks later -
We had finally ended up in Berkley, and with the money we had pent up, we managed to find a place to stay.  He suggested we stick together and, I didn't say 'no'.  It wasn't long before Andy was almost completely healed up.  And it was just a little longer before I had to admit something to myself...I was falling completely in love with him.  I liked him, I knew I loved him when I kissed him the first time...but I was at a point where there was no other way to put it than to say I was falling for him.  But I was so afraid to admit it to anyone, including myself. I couldn't do it again, not after-

Andy: "Hey, are you alright?  You look a little spaced out." I sank down onto the edge of the mattress.

Lis: "What?  Uh...yea, I'm fine just...tired is all."
I knew I sucked at trying to cover my ass when it came to my emotions.

Andy: "You're cute when you're flustered.

Lis: "I'm not flustered!"

Andy: "Hey, I didn't say it was a bad thing.  Actually makes the fall that much easier."
I went a little cold.  If he meant what I THOUGHT he first instinct was to run.  After my last relationship, I was terrified of letting someone in like that again.

Lis: "What'd you say?"

- Andy's POV -
Did I MEAN to say that out loud?  Oh fuck no, hm mm.  Did I regret it?  Also no.  I had two options.  I could keep quiet, or... Andy: "I said it makes the fall that much easier."

Lis: "What do you mean fa-"

Andy: "You.  I mean you.  I know how you see yourself, but the way I see you?"
Here goes...

Andy: "The way I see you makes it so easy to love you." Her face completely changed.  She looked terrified.

Lis: "Andy I-...I jus-...I have to go, I'm sorry."
She shot up off the edge of the bed and ran to grab her jacket and car keys.

Andy: "Wait, where are you going?"

Lis: "I'll be right back just....I need a minute, OK?"
I hardly had a chance to say another word before she hurried out the door and started her car.  Next thing, and last thing I heard was the sound of tires tearing out of the garage.

-Lis' POV -
I know I panicked and, I know I had no reason to, but...after what happened the LAST time I believed someone that told me he loved me, I was scared.  I don't know how long I was driving for but I ended up at some seedy old bar in the...less-than-picturesque part of downtown.

- Piers' POV -
I was having a drink with a couple friends when I heard the door all but burst open.  I looked over to see a very familiar an all-too-familiar, panicked state.

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