Part 1: "Oh my god, it moves!"

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|| Warning! When George and Dream are together, I will be using they/them pronouns for Dream as George is unaware of Dream's gender but when it is just Dream, I will be using he/him ||

George Found. Your average kid. Not a nerd, not a jock. Just, average. He was, however, bullied. Maybe because of his glasses that weren't really glasses? He didn't know

He'd be sat in the forest for an hour, drawing everything and writing about whatever came to mind. The forest was supposedly haunted, but George never cared. He hadn't seen anything so he wasnt necessarily scared. This made it the perfect place to escape, and if anything happened then he'd record it at the very least

George didn't even notice the thing was there at all, let alone see it sneak upon him. Or did it? He wasn't sure. The thing was a tiny white doll, easily able to fit into George's cupped hands. Only a few inches tall, no hands or legs, just a long body, and a spherical head. The face was that of an unsettling smile, one that would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up if you looked at it for too long

The kid went to go pick up the tiny doll, but his hand was quickly pulled back. "Oh my god, it moves!" He hissed out to himself, as the thing rolled onto it's from and began shuffling to get itself up. George hesitently reached out and placed his hand on the ground so the doll could push up against it to set itself straight

Eventually, the doll managed to get itself upright, and turned to George. George shuddered slightly at the face. It began to hop onto his hand, and George.. didn't seem to object. He just.. let it. The doll got onto George's hand and curled up almost like a cat as the teen pulled his hand to his face and cupped the doll. "Amazing..." He muttered, and the doll perked up

"Do you have a name? How smart are you?" The teen then asked quietly, lifting his glasses and the world resuming it's usual mismatched color. He didn't need the glasses because things were blurry or whatever, he was just colorblind, and the glasses helped somewhat. He decided it best to keep them down over his eyes, but the doll said nothing

"Guess it can't talk... Okay, I'll pick a name for you!" George grabbed a nearby notepad and began flicking through the pages. Once he found one, he ran a finger over every line until he stopped on... 'The'. Well, he couldn't call a doll 'The', so he moved to the next word

"Dream..." George mumbled, staring at the page before turning to the doll in his other hand. The face didn't scare him much anymore

"That's it, that's your name. Dream!" George happily giggled and the doll seemed to bounce in agreement. It then climbed up his arm and to his shoulder, where it nuzzled into the kid's cheek

George soon grabbed his things and headed home, though. He was tired, he'd had a rough day, and he wanted to spend the evening with his new friend. Even if it couldn't talk, Dream was still incredible

"Anything interesting happen today?"

George looked up to his dad and finished chewing, swallowing before answering. "Oh, no, not really. Same stuff, I guess."

"I get that. Life has to be boring before it can be fun."

George smiled. He had been pretty bored for the past few days, maybe meeting Dream was what he needed? He quickly found an excuse to leave and go back to his room, his new friend on the desk

"Hey there. How 'bout you come to my school tomorrow? It'd be good to have some company."

Dream bounced in response, and George giggled in response. "Come on, we should get some rest." He mentioned, looking around a bit. He had a heat blanket, so he set up a small bed for Dream

"Unless you'd rather stay in my bed?" George mentioned softly, but the bed he made was happily taken. He gently pet the doll with one finger before changing in the bathroom, clambering into bed

"Night, Dream..." He whispered as the curtains were closed and the light turned out

|| 686 words ||

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