Part 3: As long as he kept telling himself that

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The day dragged on for much longer than George's liking. and Dream was constantly trying to get out of his pocket

George kept telling them no, but did they listen? Nope

Eventually, he managed to stumble his way home and get in the door without any questioning...


"You're home early."

"No, I'm not?"

"You're never home at this time."

"It's a valid time to be home."

George's Dad shrugged a little and let George go to his room, George collapsing onto the bed once arriving. Dream slowly made their way out onto George's chest shortly after. Was their smile always that wide? George winced softly

He tugged the glasses off with a sigh. His room looked so weird without them. He just guessed he was used to seeing in proper color with his glasses than the usual mismatched colors his eyes wanted  to give

"Maybe they know I'm colorblind?" He muttered, watching his friend bounce around on his chest. "I mean, I did say that I have bad eyesight so it might be that."

George sighed and rolled over to face the door, Dream backed up and George knew they were concerned

"Dream, you don't need to worry so much, I'm alright."

Dream's stare got more intense, and George had to look away

"Stop that..." The teen muttered, "You're scaring me." He covered his eyes and ears with a pillow, trying to ignore his father's calls for him. He wasn't hungry then...

It was hours before George rose again. In all honesty, he'd fallen asleep. The man had appeared again, clearer, this time. Not by much, but it gave George the motivation to give this person a form. As he headed downstairs, he found himself frequently doodling in green. He didn't know why, it just... felt right

It wasn't clear what George had drawn, though. Shapes and squiggles that took on some sort of life. He didn't know what kind of expression to give the form, so he gave them the same lifeless, dead stare that Dream had. It fit in some sort of twisted way, but George decided the smile was a little too crazed, so he erased it and instead just left it blank.

Some food had been left out for George, and he set some aside for Dream before sitting down to eat himself. He felt so bad and he had no idea why. Something felt off and he didn't like it. He was probably just tired and hungry. At least, that's what he kept telling himself. He didn't think it was true but that's just what he believed would be true

As long as he kept telling himself that...

|| 441 words ||

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