Hogwarts 6th year kiddos

Thebaddestbitch: NEW YEAR GUYSSS!

Thebaddestbitch changed the name to "7th year kiddos"

Potterboy: I am actually excited for school tommorow!

Hermionegranger79: OMG me 2!!!!!

Harry and Sirius chat

Black.padfoot: hey buddy! You're ready for school tommorow?

Potterboy: yeah, ofc I am!

Black.padfoot: well that's lovely to hear, but I'm gonna miss youuu!

Potterboy: I promise I'll text you <3

(Next day)

Draco and Narcissa chat

Narcissa_malfoy: Are you on the train now baby?

Pureblood.5: yes mooooom, and don't call me that!

Narcissa.malfoy: well do you have everything you need?

Pureblood.5: yes.

Narcissa_malfoy: I'm gonna miss you soo muchhhh Draco! :(

Pureblood.5: gonna miss you too mom, bye.

Narcissa_malfoy: Bye my gold <3<3<3

(On hogwarts when everyone has went to bed)

Ron and Hermione chat

Hermionegranger79: Is everyone on your room asleep?

Chickenwings.lover: yeah I think so, you?

Hermionegranger79: same. Room of requirement? ;)

Chickenwings.lover: on my way!

Pov: Hermione

I go to the room of requirement. Its a cozy room with a big bed in the middle and red lights in the ceeling. I get on the bed and then he comes. The tall, red headed, handsome weasley boy. I love him. He smiles when he sees me and run towards me and the bed. We start making out, and then he takes of my t-shirt and I take of his.

(They sleep togheter but I don't wanna whrite a smut so just know it was really good.)

It was amazing!!

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