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"It's the transferred student! He's fighting with Zack!" Oh boy, this is going to be really humiliating. I only smirked.

"Well.. Isn't this fun?"


"Oh my gosh! The transferred student is so handsome!" someone saif from outside our class. I looked at Zack as he put up his stance.

"Hey wuss. I told you to come at me!" I rest my head on my palm.

"Why's he standing there?"

"Is he scared?"

"F*ck, I was scared for no reason before." Zack's minion said. Well, don't judge a book by it's cover.

"Oh man, I guess that guy is not a fighter.."

"Zack Lee! Stop it!" Zoe yelled at him, trying to stop the fight that's about to happen.

"Sigh... This'll be sad to watch." No, it'll be entertaining I thought while hiding my lips. I look at Jay's direction as he suddenly stand up and hold Zack's hand before he can try anything with Daniel. 

Oh my gosh! I remember just how much I shipped Daniel and Jay! They would look cute together!! Wait. I forgot something. Since the front of our class is crowded... 

ETHAN??? ETHAN! I quickly turned around and try to find my bodyguard, ignoring Zack as he shook Jay's hand and throw a punch at Daniel. I found Ethan standing inside our classroom, guarding the door. I sigh in relief and looked back at Zack and Daniel. 

I saw Daniel standing with his head tilting to the side awkwardly but managed to dodge Zack's Lightning Punch. Shocking everyone in the room. I wasn't shocked since I know what's going to happen. 

All of a sudden, all of the spectators roared at Daniel's action.

"Did you see?!"

"How'd he do that?!"

"F*cking incredible!!"

"Who's that guy?!" My god, it's getting so loud. Feeling a headache coming, I just massage my forehead to ease it. Noticing me getting uncomfortable, Ethan rushed to my side.

"Young Miss, do you need anything?" he asked me and I shook my head, telling him that I don't need anything.

"No, It's nothing.. The crowd is getting too loud though.."

"Do you want me to get rid of them?"

"Wait-- what?! Rid?!" I looked at him wide eyed just to see that he had serious face on. Quickly shaking my head no, I told him it's not necessary.

"He avoided every attack from Zack!" A student exclaim, shocked. I turn to look at them again when all of a sudden, before Zack can throw a quick punch at Daniel's face which I know Daniel can take- I let my instinct take over me and fastly got in between them and grab Zack's hand. Shocking everyone in the class and Ethan.

"What did I just see?!"

"OMG, (Y/n) was just over there when all of a sudden she got in between them!"

"OMG, wouldn't that hurt (Y/n) delicate hand?!" I sighed, knowing that I should never had interfere with them. I mean. Daniel can handle him, so why in the world I let my instinct take over?! Smiling awkwardly, I look at Zack's eyes and said,

"No more okay? Don't do this." I told Zack as I gripped his hand, making him wince. Getting closer to his ear, I whispered.

"Don't you see how much you're hurting your crush right now? You know that she doesn't like it when you fight with other people." Zack had a little blush on his cheek before it went away and he got enrage.

Chances (Lookism x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now