Lava Pool! 12 (September 27 Special Kinda!)

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"Lava pool, lava pool, we're going to find a lava pool!~" Bad sung.

"What do we do when we find one?" Skeppy asked still looking.

"Remember the cords probably." Zelk looked for a desert or burning trees.

"Lava pool, lava pool, now we have found you!~" Bad pointed to a lava pool.

"Nice." Skeppy and Zelk looked at the bubbling orange liquid.

"Okay. Cords?" Zelk looked at Skeppy and Bad.

"A6-" Bad realized A6D wasn't there.

"Where do we check to see our cords?" Skeppy asked.

Bad and Zelk shrugged.

"Oh! Check your hand." Skeppy smiled and looked at the cords, "The lava pool is at 45, 87, -32."

"Okay, who's responsible to remember that?" Zelk asked looking at the two.

"Bad." "Me."

Skeppy and Bad looked at each other.

"Bad it is!" Zelk smirked, "Now the house cords?"

The others were silent.

"Fuck." Skeppy facepalmed.

"Language!" Bad crossed his arms.

A few minuets passed by

"So..." Zelk scratched the back of his head.

Neither answered.

"Negative something, 100, and -27?" Skeppy looked over at them.

"-20, 27, -100!" Bad exclaimed, "That's the house cords! Let's go!"

The two others nod and follow the happy devil angel.

As they were walking Zelk started to make conversation.

"Hey friends, do you know what today is?" Zelk started to smile.

They thought about it.

"Wait..." Skeppy started to realize.

"Happy birthday Zelk!" Bad and Skeppy gave Zelk a hug.

"Guess how old I am." Zelk smirked.

"Twenty..." Skeppy thought, "21!"

"Yay!" Bad cheered.

"Yup!" Zelk felt loved.

The way home Bad and Skeppy were congratulating Zelk and Zelk couldn't stop smiling.

They made it back and saw the five.

"Hi." Tommy looked at them blankly.

Skeppy gasps, "TapL!!!" Skeppy gave TapL a big hug. (Awww)

They all talk and talk.

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