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Before I Die

Chapter One:

Everyone has a limited time to live, and everyone has goals they want to complete before they die. Whether it’s to travel the world, or to simply find love, it’s a goal. But to complete those goals, you’ll have to go through some tough times.

          “Alyssa, the test results just came back,” Dr. Naomi said, walking into the hospital room. I was sitting on the edge of the burgundy colored bed, the plastic sheet on top of it. I let my legs swing carelessly, the nerves evidently kicking in.

          What was it going to be? Was I going to be like another person in the sick-infested hospital or not? I bit my lip, thousands of questions buzzing inside my head like bees.

          Dr. Naomi sat on the chair behind her desk, casting a worried glance my way. Her now going gray hair was tossed back, and her brown eyes were filled with concern and sadness.

          “You have Leukemia, Alyssa,” Dr. Naomi spoke.

          As soon as the words flew out of her mouth, my heart faltered. My fingers pressed tightly against the leather bed. I felt my hands getting sweaty and clampy, and my stomach was tied in knots.

          “No way,” I whispered, hopping off the bed. I shook my head, pacing back and forth. “You’re kidding, right?”

          Dr. Naomi stayed silent, staring at her hands. It suddenly occurred to me that, no, she wasn’t kidding. Something like Leukemia isn’t to be joked around with. I, Alyssa Clark, have Leukemia.

          I sat down in the chair in front of her, tears prickling in the back of my eyes. “I don’t want treatment,” I stated. “I just want to live the last few months of my life with joy and happiness.”

          Dr. Naomi nodded. “Of course, if you’d like not to do any treatment, then that’s completely fine. We will do some more tests, and we’ll find out how much longer you have.”

          Tears began to stream down my face as the thoughts of having cancer began swimming around in my head. How do others deal with it? How do others...fight it?

          “Thank you so much, Dr. Naomi.” I stood up,grabbing my bag from the other chair. All I really wanted to do was leave the hospital, curl up in my bed, and just think about how much this will change my life.

          How was I supposed to tell my family? How would they react?

          “It’s no problem. Take care, will you? I’ll see you soon.”

          I nodded, turning and walking out of the room. My eyes were fixed on my shoes as I navagated around the hospital, edging closer and closer towards the fresh, summer air.

          The summer air that I won’t feel again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2012 ⏰

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