Chapter 9

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It's been a week since me and know started.....yeah, and it's been great he's much nicer than people think.

It was Saturday and we were cuddling on my bed enjoying each-others company.

"Hey?"he broke the silence

i answered him with a hum

"what are we?"

i stopped, i had a feeling this question was coming but i didn't expect it to be this soon.

"we are two people who should— never mind" i stopped realising if i continued this would be very awkward.

"should be what,hm?" he wrapped his arm around my waist and started tickling me.

i started laughing like a maniac, " DATING, okay, dating"

he stopped and was very still which was very worrying, i turned around to find him smirking. He held my face and kissed me, it took me by surprise to be honest.

"Finally!" he yelled

"wait u feel the same?" i asked being confused by his actions

he got up looking me straight in the eye

"of course, why wouldn't i, we have things in common, you're so hot anddd you're an amazing kisser,"

i laughed at the last statement  getting up as well to kiss in the lips.

"plus i've had a crush on you for a month sooo" i stared at him

"oh my god the great Draco Malfoy had a crush... on me?" i said while laughing

"keep your voice down idiot" he said while rolling his eyes

"make me" he looked at me, knowing exactly what i did.

"oh love, with me you won't stop screaming my name,"he said while pinning me to the bed

"is that a threat or a promise?" i said purposely teasing him

"oh you'll find out soon enough."


It was break and i hadn't see Cedric in two days i looked around for him but there is no sign. As soon as i sat down i saw two people walking in hand in hand. Cedric and Cordelia!

CORDELIA BROWN ( backstory)

The fakest bitch of Hogwarts, but somehow everyone loves her. This girl thinks she has everyone wrapped around her finger ( well except me and Malfoy ). She may seem nice when you meet her, but she the daughter of the Satan. Luckily for me i'm far worse than her, some call me Satan himself. I'm not mean but if u mess with me i'll make your life a living nightmare ( apparently that's Malfoy's favourite feature about me).

I got up walking towards them grabbing Cedric arm,
"we need to talk", then i dragged him the way they both came.

"what the actual hell?" i asked him straight away


"what do you mean 'what?', Cordelia out of all people"

"yeah she so lovely"

i pinched the bridge of my nose trying to calm myself down.

"she bad news Ced" i told him calmly

"yeah just like how Draco is" i didn't reply

okay i did tell him about Me and Malfoy and he was okay about it... well i thought he was

"That what i thought" he said and left to go back into the hall.


We were all sitting in the common room after school, when Cordelia got up and stood on the table and called for everyone.

"announcement!" everyone came round wondering what she was going to say

"So i love to keep you guys in the loop with the latest news ( gossip you mean 🙄), and i have something big... Malfoy, Y/N you must know what i'm talking about," we both looked at each other then at her

"well if don't i'm just gonna say it, they're DATING"

Son of a bitch

Draco Malfoy X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now