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Clay had always been a reckless kid, getting into situations that he somehow always managed to untangle himself out of. But in the process, he always managed to get some sort of scratch or bruise. He constantly got hurt, and when he met George in his junior year of highschool, George has learned that over the course of a couple days.

Now, months and months later, the boy was still a klutz. Clay had somehow adapted the nickname 'Dream' from George, and that's what stuck. So, one afternoon in the park, when he heard a british boy yell "Dream!" He immediately perked up. He sat up from the bench he was sitting on, the autumn breeze nipping at his cheeks and ruining his hair. He watched as George walked over, wearing a signature baby blue sweater and jeans as he approached.

The boys skin was slightly pink from the cold air, his brown hair blown by the wind and pretty chocolaty eyes giving Dream their full attention. Dream ignored the way his heart fluttered in his chest at the sight of George, instead waving back at the boy happily.

George slowly made his way over, giving Dream a sickeningly sweet smile. Dream smiled back, and they began their afternoon walk around the park. He followed the path around the park, staring at the passing trees and watching as children horse played and parents sat and had conversations. The silence between George and Dream was comfortable, something that Dream really appreciated. He loved the way that he and George could slip into silence so easily without it being awkward. It's like they just mutually understood each other.

The silence was soon interrupted by George. "Today my mum shouted at me for getting a bad grade on my geometry test. You've really been taking me off my game, haven't you Dream?" He chuckled, turning to look at the taller male. Dream smiled, chuckling slightly. "Yeah? Sorry bout' that. What about me is so distracting huh?" He teased, sticking his cold hands into his hoodie pockets. George rolled his eyes, giggling cutely. "Oh, shut up." He said, the silence soon returning while the smiles on their faces stayed.

"Oh, we're almost at the fountain!" Dream said excitedly, grinning. "Fountain?" George responded, humming. "Yeah, the wishing fountain. It's quite pretty there. The view is nice. I want to show you." He said, smiling at George. George's cheeks tinted a darker shade of pink as he looked at Dream, but the blond only assumed it was from the chilly weather that was only getting colder as the sun set, painting everything in orange.

He shivered slightly as a gust of wind blew past, and he began his run to the fountain. "Dream! Wait up!" He heard behind him. He chuckled, knowing George was struggling in catching up with Dream. As he turned back to looked behind him, his eyes met with George's and he snickered. George looked like he was about to yell something, but the only thing that came out was a quick, "watch out!" Dream looked at him in confusion till he turned back around. But it was to late.

A large crack in the sidewalk caught his vans and he came plummeting to the concrete. The blond tried to use his hands to cushion the fall, but instead his hands just scrapped against the floor and he face planted into the floor. He just laid there for a moment, in too much of a state of shock to move. He soon heard the frantic foot steps of his friend next to him. "Dream! Oh my god, Dream. Are you okay?" He yelled frantically, kneeling down next to the boy.

He turned around, groaning. He held back his tears as the pain sent electrifying zolts down his spine. Dream brought his hand up to his nose, but George quickly swatted his hand away. "Your nose is bleeding. So are your palms. Luckily, I don't think your nose is broken though." He sighed, examining Dream closely. Dream would usually back up or blush from this kind of closeness, but he was in to much pain to complain. "Stand up for me?" George said, getting up from next to the blond. "Anything for you, Georgie." He flirted, standing up with a wince.

"Seriously? Flirting at a time like this?" George complained, though Dream caught the pretty shade of pink that spread across his face. "Maybe stop being so cute and I'll stop." George groaned. "Clay." The british boy said, covering his hands with his face out of embarrassment. Dream chuckled, ignoring the way he felt light headed as his real name slipped off of George's tongue. "Okay, okay. I'll stop." "Thank you." Then there was silence.

"George, my nose. It's still bleeding. And it hurts. My hands too." Dream suddenly said, his hands burning slightly as they remained bloody and battered. "O-oh! Right!" George said, pulling out a couple of things from a bag dream never noticed he was carrying around. "Why do you have that?" He said, staring at the satchel strap that was on George's shoulder and the satchel itself resting on George's hips. "It's for you. I can never be too prepared around you." He said, quirking a brow at Dream. The taller never understood how George did that with his eyebrows, but it never failed to send butterflies erupting in his stomach as chocolate brown eyes met emerald eyes. For.. some reason.

George pulled out a paper towel, dampening it with a water bottle and grabbing Dreams hands unexpectedly. He dabbed the wet paper towel onto his palms, Dream watching carefully. He fascinated over how gentle George was being, carefully cleaning away the blood on both of his hands. He then moved to his nose, carefully wiping away the blood that was drying up below his nostrils. Dreams nose twitched, and he immediately withdraws in pain. "It still hurts, like, a lot." Dream groaned, closing his eyes right as if that would get rid of the pain.

George stood there, looking at Dream with remorse in his eyes. He suddenly thought up an idea, but quickly shot it down. "No.. no that would be silly." He murmured, looking down as his cheeks turned a darker shade.

Dream looked at George, confusion in hiss gaze. "No, what is it? Tell me!" He said, grinning. "S-stop. It's nothing," George continued, looking to the side to examine everyone in the park instead of making eye contact with Dream. He shivered slightly, a gust of wind flying by. "C'monnnnnnn, George!!" The persistent blond groaned, continuing to whine and complain. "Fine! Fine!" George said, turning back to Dream. "When I was little, my mom used to.. kiss my injuries when I got hurt. It helped. It was comforting." He said, suddenly grabbing Dreams wrist and flipping his hand to examine his scratched palms. "I was thinking I could, y'know. Kiss your, ahem, your bruises. Ah, sounds stupid, right?" She shorter boy said, beginning to ramble slightly. Dream stood silently for a while, his eyes flickering with an emotion that George didn't understand. It held more emotions than he could read, and it scared george a little bit.

"Well?" Dream said, interrupting George's useless rambling. "W-what?" George said, pausing abruptly. "Are you going to kiss it better?" George stuttered, his voice becoming squeaky as he threw random words out. "I- well- I'm- you-" "c'mon George. It hurts." He said, pouting slightly. George grumbled something under his breath that dream didn't quite catch, but soon a pair of lips where on Dreams skin, the spot that his lips laid tingling. Dream felt his heart stutter, not actually expecting George to do this. He watched with careful emerald eyes, George soon separating and laying a soft kiss on Dreams other palm.

The blond thought as his hands fell back to his side that the shorter was finished, but apparently he was wrong. The boy soon grabbed onto Dreams shoulders, standing on his tippy toes and laying a delicate kiss right on Dreams nose. He closed his eyes as he felt George's lips linger for a moment, but the moment soon ended when he backed away, his lips leaving Dreams nose. Dream felt light headed, the feeling in his chest fluttering so hard that he felt like he had to throw up. It was to hard to ignore the feelings now.

He 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘥 George. He liked him a lot. And a simple kiss on the nose made him realize that. He shivered, but this time it wasn't from the wind. George took notice, thinking the boy was cold. "We should get going now. Maybe you can show me the fountain some other time, yeah?" George said, his voice soft. Oh yeah. Dream had completely forgot about the fountain. He was to mesmerized by the way George's lips felt against his skin. "Oh, yeah." He said. "Yeah. Maybe some other time." 

When you kiss it better - DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now