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The wind blew ferociously in George's direction, flipping his hair in different directions. He shivered, holding his sweater closer to his body. He settled into the metal bench he was sitting on, looking over all the people passing by, along with the kids playing basketball near the basketball net.

It reminded him of Dream, since the blond boy enjoyed playing basketball. And he was quite good at it considering his height. He was a part of the basketball team at school, but since he hadn't been there in over a week, he had already missed many practices and a game.

George hadn't seen Dream in a week because of the blondes parents. They blamed him and Nick for what happened to his arm, and even when his bone was popped back into place, his parents kept him home for another week and refused to let him or Nick see him for that time. He had to admit that he did miss him.

He sighed, the wind nipping at his cheeks. The plan was that George and Dream would both meet up at the park, but George had been sitting at the bench for a good 25 minutes now and he was starting to get impatient. He squirmed on the bench, beginning to feel uncomfortable. He looked around the park, focusing on watching the teens shooting hoops. Everything was quiet for a while, George just trying his best to enjoy the stale silence that gave him little to no comfort.

"Checking out the cute boys?" A voice next to him said. He jumped, adjusting himself to look up at the figure next to him. His boredom quickly turned to excitement, and he was quick to rise to his feet and tackle Dream into a hug. "Oh my god! What took you so long?!" He yelled, clinging onto Dream like his life depended on it. Dream faltered a bit before steadying, wrapping his arms around George's waist a burying his head into his hair. "Sorry. I had to escape my parents. They were being overprotective."

George just sighed, melting into Dreams familiar touch. Dream raised his eyebrows, not used to George being so physical. But he melted into the boys touch anyways, comfortable where he stood. George soon let go of Dream, looking up at him for the first time in a week. He grinned, examining all of his featured. A week doesn't seem to long when you think about it, but to them it felt like a decade. Dream felt a light pink flush his cheeks as the Brit examined his face. "Jeez, George."

George ignored his words and sat back down on the bench, patting the spot next to him to signal that Dream should sit down. The taller sat down next to his friend, slumping against the metallic bench with a sigh. "It Feels good to finally get out of the house." Dream stated, stretching out his arms. George chuckled, looking at him. "I bet. I, um. I missed you." George stated more quietly, looking down in his lap.

Dream felt the butterflies in his stomach rise, and he just smiled. "I missed you too." The Brit just hummed. "No one bothered you while I wasn't there right?" Dream asked, George just shrugged. "Well, I mean. There might have been some people, but nothing too bad." Dream stayed silent, but you could tell he was agitated. George decided to change the subject though, his chocolate eyes drifting around the park instead of landing on Dream. "You missed a lot at school." Dream groaned. "I can only imagine. I haven't been practicing any basketball recently either. I bet coach is gonna be so mad at me." He complained, throwing his hands around lazily as he spoke.

George chuckled, watching. "Maybe you shouldn't have popped your bone out of place then, idiot." He said casually, avoiding eye contact. "Oh, shut up." Dream chuckled, looking back at the outdoor basketball court in front of them. "Hey, maybe I can practice now. C'mon." He said, standing up and grabbing George's hands. George gasped at the sudden tugs, but effortlessly got dragged along by Dream. "I- Dream! I don't want to play basketball!"

"DrEaM, I dOn'T wAnNa pLaY bAsKeTbAlL." He mocked, continuing to drag the shorter boy along. "Oh my god, you're literally so annoying." The brunette said, stopping once they made it to the basketball net. Dream let go of George's hand, going over to grab a basketball that was left on the court. He spun the ball on his fingers while George watched. The Brit rolled his eyes. "Showoff." Dream just chuckled. George watched quietly, standing awkwardly while Dream shot the basketball into the hoops a couple times.

The blond looked at George, giving him a smile. "What about you try?" He said, throwing the ball at him suddenly. George fumbled, catching the ball and holding it to his chest. "I don't think that's a very good idea." He stated awkwardly. Dream laughed, directing him over to the basketball hoop. "Oh c'mon. It's not that hard, just aim at the hoop and throw the ball. Simple." He said. "You have a height advantage, Dream." George groaned.

The taller laughed, taking the ball from the brunettes hands. "Just shoot," he stopped mid sentence to throw the ball, George watching as it flew towards the hoop and landed perfectly inside, not even hitting the rim. "The ball." He finished, catching the ball and handing it to George.

George gulped, looking up at the hoop. He had never been good at sports. He was more of a stay inside type of guy. He was lost in his own thoughts when he felt something lean against him. He jumped, breath hitching when he realized it was Dream. Dream placed his hands on top of his, angling the ball into a certain position that looked ideal for throwing. "There." Dream said, his voice husky and close to his ear making shivers run down the brunettes spine.

To not think much about the fact that his face was dusted a dark red, he shot the basketball feebly. He barely watched as it bounced off the rim and came hurling back at him, hitting the top of his head roughly. He stumbled backwards in shock, tripping over his own shoes and landing on the floor. His brain processed slowly, and once he realized what just happened, he covered his hands in embarrassment, resorting to cuddling up inside of the sweater he was wearing and hoping Dream didn't see anything. But he knew he did.

Before he knew it, Dream was by his side, continuously asking if the brunette was okay and trying to pry George's hands away from his face. Once he did, he looked at George with pity. He looked like he was a puppy and he had just been kicked. Dream felt butterflies erupt in his stomach when George looked up at him, his eyes the equivalent of puppy dog eyes. "Don't laugh. I told you I didn't want to do it." The brunette said, Dream holding back a giggle. "Aww, George. I thought it would be fun. It's okay.." he murmured, pulling George up to his feet and enveloping him into a hug.

George just stood there before hugging back, nuzzling into Dreams shoulder. He felt a bit like a child, being in Dreams arms, but he ignored the thought. "Does your head hurt?" Dream murmured, George only nodding and hiding his face deeper into Dreams shoulder. Dream thought for a moment, his brain processing his thoughts before he looked down, laying his lips on the spot where the basketball had hit Georges head.  Silence pursued as Dream kept his lips on George's head. "Are you kissing me?" George asked carefully, like the answer wasn't obvious. "Yeah. That's what you always do." Dream murmured.

George's breath hitched, his stomach becoming overwhelmed with a certain desire. He tried to push it back down, but it only became stronger as Dream pecked his head once more and brought the shorter closer to him. But, instead of feeding into this certain feeling, he only adjusted himself in Dreams grasp, grabbing onto the hoodie he was wearing and relaxing into his comforting touch.

He could stand here for hours. Just standing here with Dream. If he could admit it or not, The blond was his favorite person in the world. And nothing could change that. He just hoped Dream felt the same way.

And he did.


We switchin it up a little 😳

Dream kissing George's ouchies,, I hope you enjoyed hehe
Also I'm super close to 100 reads 🥺 thank you guys so much!!!

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