sad part 3 the death or saving?

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you smile but really you were sad and in pain. 'I should have never met them....shoul have never dated or fell in love with them' you say as more tears strem. With jeff and ben looking shocked still and runing into the woods. The girls screaming at them "HEY WHERE IS OUR COFFEES?? WHERE ARE U GOING?!" ( XD sorry funny ) they ignored them and kept running. "JERKS!" They say as they stomp there feet, but ben and jeff didn't care. You how ever was still in the tree as the tree drips from your own blood. 'Its ok...I dont need to be here anyways. They wont miss me as long as they have there bitch ass sluts' you think as you grip your stomach. 'Goodbye jeff and ben....I still love you'  ben and jeff feel you slipping away slowly and tears stream down their and your face.

(Will you die or will you servive this nightmare lets see in next chapter coming soon)

ben x reader x jeffWhere stories live. Discover now