Chapter 1

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"Miss Manoban, you're too early for tomorrow" my ugly professor mocked, follow by the laugh of my classmates

I mentally rolled my eyes, taking my seat 'atleast I'm pretty, you menopause creature!'

"It's just that.. I dreamed about you ma'am. How charming you are, oh your-"

"Whatever Manoban. You're still absent in my class today" she said. I just nodded having no choice

I chose to enter though I know I'll be note as absent. I just don't want to miss any lessons

I tilted my head to look at my friends and smirk, realizing they're also late today

Resting my chin in my hand, I thought again about my life..

It's so difficult to live alone. Everyday you have to face the battle of life. Thinking how you'll gonna have foods in your mouth the next day, payment for the bills, my tuition and so on.

Even if I live by myself I still need to take care of my health, especially this beauty of mine.

Yes. I know I have this looks... And so I'm using this to earn money.

For the reason itself I know it sounds ridiculous and disgusting. But that's the only way I know how to earn huge.

Besides, I was already ruined.


I am using my body to earn. Dating  guys and gals, even women and at night it was the end of us. I'll put them in sleep, taking all of their dollars and sprint.

I've been doing this for a while now. Making sure my victim would be far from my school and my place.

I do still have a Father. And I'm never gonna talk about him.


The bell rung, my friends didn't even showed up but I received a message from Zuki, my girl friend, that she's on our same spot at the back of the building

"Girl, how's your little head?" Zuki asked, munching her favorite crisp.

She knew my job.

No judgement. She even insisted to help me but I refused. She understand my situation and never she let me feel as some kind of lifeless beggar. A dirty woman.

"Aching a little, but I can manage"

"There there.. wait, you still have cash on you? I can lend you some? My Dad keeps giving me money just for me to stop pestering him" she chuckle

And one of the many things I love about her, she's so easy to be with. And you can rely on her all the time. She never actually had an excuse whenever I'm needing her. That I thought she has no life to get busied on at how she's always one call away.

"Yupp.. I got lots from lover boy last night" I grinned mischievously

"Yeah? What did you do this time, you sneaky duck"

"Same like before. He's too easy! Oh lord, he's all over my body! He is undeniably hot but his pocket is ugh! I put pills on his wine and emptied his pocket"

The rest of the free time spent with us talking about the event last night and the party last night she and our other friend got wasted off.


All I need is to graduate. Take my degree and have a decent job so I could go on with my life Without the help of anyone, not even my father.

𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐘Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon