chapter 6

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Geno POV: we where getting ready for sugar and sours birthday but I was waiting for nightshad to come out but I see her wearing this

* she is wearing the horror sans on*

It look so beautiful so I want to say something but her legs were covered with the pants so I didn't need to. We got in the car and we got in there nightshade was sleeping on uncle asy chest so u ask him why.

Geno: um uncle asy why is nightshade sleeping on your chest when you are driving

Uncle asy: she wanted to but she just passed out from her medicine ok so I think it will be good ok but we are almost there ok.

Geno: oh ok and I hope she wakes up soon too

NoOne POV: when they got there nightshade was still sleeping so uncle asy took her in the house and asked the mother if she can sleep on the couch until she wakes up. She said yes because she said the nightshade was on the news so but sugar can out and hugged geno, and nightshade started to wake up. She woke up and went to nightmare her brother and his friends but sour saw her and said.

Sour: are you the girl on the news?

Nightshade: ummmm you are you what do you want fuck face * everyone was shock*

Sour: ok asshole I was just asking

Nightshade: oh my word you have name for your mouth of yours dick head

Sour: I'm sour you bitch and what are you a glitch ot fucking asshole

Nightshade: I'm nightshade you shit head * stick her middle finger at him* kiss this ass fucker suck dick bullshit face

Sour: wow I would want to be your friend with that mouth

Nightshade: o-k I fe-el d-izz-y a-ga-in

Nightmare: go sit on the couch sis ok cross can you help her

Cross:ok nightshade can you see my hands

Nightshade: no but I can still walk but I'm not that dizzy anymore * walks up to cross and puts her head on his chest*

Skip time ( because I'm lazy) to them playing video games

Reggie: your brother has werid friends like the one with the wings it is so stupid and dumb

Sour: Shit dude it's my birthday gaahh just come play some games * playing some games and reggie see nightshade and her brothers*

Nightshade: hey sour can I please watch you guys play video games please.

Sour: sure knock yourself out kid

Nightshade: thank * said it very weakly and walks away from reggie and something bad happened*

Reggie: hey kid he said knock yourself out!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!


Cross: nightshade fresh we sh-

Killer: hey it's ok

Nightshade: cough cough *very badly and shaking*

Sour: YOU IDTOT-!!!

Reggie: hey come on it was a classic and you know it!

Sour: hey HEY *gently pushing on nightshade*

Fresh:* in his mind* what did he do that funny I don't get it I don't UNDERSTAND why did he find it funny he hurt someone to laugh HE HIRT NIGHTSHADE AND HE LAUGHED AT HER HE HURT MY SISTER!!!

Deccy: fresh can you hear me

Angry fresh: MOVE deccy

Deccy: fresh

Angry fresh: what is this? Everything fuzzy...and...Can't even think straight- all I want All I can force on IS * grabs reggie shirt and punches his face very hard*

Reggie: WOW you really are a kid what did you think that hurt what did I push a nerve

Fresh: DA IS IT * punches him even more*

Nightshade: f-re-sh-y

Sour: eh. He asked for it, What you never seen him like that * healing nightshade chest*

Nightshade: n-o cough ne-ve-r

Skip time and reggie is gone and fresh was hurt but nightshade was having trouble breathing

That is it for this chapter bye guys

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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