Chapter 4 - Finding Jess

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Where am I?? Where's Tae?? Where are the other girls?? What's happening to me?? All these questions go through my mind at onece.

"Wake up girl." Some man says and pokes me with a stick.

I slowly started to open my eyes.

"Wha-" I was cut off by the sound of foot steps.

"There she is!! We're gonna sell you for some good money." The man said as he walked up to me.

"Wait!!" I screamed but everything went black again.


I was so scared I didn't know who to call. Then it came to mind.


I called him and he came right away. He's always been there for me. We're best friends.

"What happened!? Why are you crying!?" Baekhyun ran into my room and hugged me.

"S-she's g-g-gone." I sobbed into his arms.

"Its okay Taeyeon I promise I'll find her." Baekhyun started to pet my head.


Sorry everyone~!! This chapter is super short. I'm having lots of tests in school right now. >.< anyways poor Tae still can't find Sica. :'( :'( :'( well... Please comment if there is anything you loved <3 and thanks to all who read ^•^

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