I wish I could undo it all

9 1 2

I look up

I see her

So beautiful

Just standing there; so innocently

Her eyes are red

Beautiful blue eyes now full of tears

Dying to spill over

I look straight into her eyes

I see hurt

I see her heart breaking right in front of me

Oh those beautiful blue eyes

Always so full of hope and happiness

Those tears now spilled

Falling gently down her soft cheeks

Oh how I wish to touch those cheeks once more

I reach my hand out

Hoping she would let me

Her eyes open in fear

She cowers away from me

I retract; scared of myself

I try to apologize but she just gets further and further away

I could not touch her even if I tried

I look down at my hands

Now covered in blood

Frightened by what I see

I look up

I now know what I did

Hoping she was still there

I need her more than

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