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Go away .....I don't want anything.... nobody loves me......cried a boy sitting in the corner of the room and throwing things at his proximity to the maids there who are trying to calm him down....

Plz ...young master...come eat something.....master was having an urgent meeting.....he will come soon....said the maid... is a liar.....I hate dad ....he told....hic....told....he will be there for my birthday......said the boy crying badly hugging Lily his only friend a teddy......

No.....I hate dad.....hic....hic....he told he will give a surprise present ......he forgot like every other birthday.....said the boy crying...

He rushed past the maids and ran towards the room he loved the most .....his mom's gallery room, where her art works is displayed.....he loved painting as much as his mom.....even though he was not able to see her , he never felt's as if she was always there in his heart....guiding him.....

He ran towards the painting at the back which he loved the was a beautiful painting of an angel extending his arm towards the latter .....some words were engraved in the painting.......he traced those which were written by his mom and it was meant for him...

The angel will always love and guide u beautiful baby boy......

He always loved this angel with all his heart ....he talked to it ........he does everything near those......this painting became his only peace.......he loved the colour of the latters eyes so he named the angel Jade.......

I wish u would save me angel....plz come to me......everyone said if I wish towards u , u will grant it can u come and live with me and Lily....said the boy trying to hug the painting with hot tears flowing from his eyes.....

Suddenly the sound of the front door opened and his father's voice can be heard....

Master the young master is not eating.....we tried but .......said the butler hanging his head down...

Ok....go..I will handle it li ......said the man and he went towards the room where he knew his son would be hiding......even that room was his own personal sanctuary...

Come here baby is sorry had an important job....said the boys dad trying to make his son calm down.....

I hate dad......I will be with Jade my angel......go away.....said the boy trying to stop his dad from approaching him....

Aw baby dad is sorry naa..... happy birthday sorry naa....said his dad...

Dad is a liar .....I hate u.....I only want Jade.....said the boy...

I am sorry sorry naa.....said his dad pleading.....

U pinky sweared me and u broke it dad......I hate dad....u forgot the pinky swear....said the boy...

Dad did not forget it baby....said his dad...

The boys face lit up.....and he ran towards his dad....

Did u bring me a him with such hopeful eyes....

Yes.....said the man and smiled as he saw his son's face and guided him towards the living room..

Come in.....said his dad to the person lurking in shadows.....

A slim figure came from the shadows which made the boy to widen his eyes and his jaws dropped...


Hope u guys enjoyed my new story ..

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