A Chance Meeting

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Author's Note: This entire thing is an AU since I have no idea how Oath of Love and Being A Hero will turn out story-wise. Let's just say that these characters will be OOC and just give me the author's freedom to extrapolate, however inane it could be. These characters I mentioned belong to Tencent (OOL) & Mango Excellent Media (BAH). I do not own them in any way, shape or form.
This idea wouldn't have been possible without the enthusiasm of my SDL, Dannyca...this is for you😘
"So won't this make you miss your hospital visit?" the inquisitive voice of the young woman currently sitting across from Chen Yu broke his intense study of the ceiling of the elevator they were currently stucked in.

He was in a hurry that late afternoon, knowing that his promise of picking up Gu Wei for dinner is bound to go awry if he did not escape from the precint before his Chief thoght of another task to foist on him.

He was walking briskly along the shop-lined avenue that was a block away from the hospital when he saw thru a small flower shop window a bouquet of sunflowers with a cute rabbit stuff toy dressed in a red jumper clutching its stems. He knew there and then, that he had to stop and get one for his boyfriend.

Imagining Gu Wei smiling that rueful smile of his, a smile that would magically wash away the exhaustion of a long and challenging day fighting crime and red tape in the city made him think that sprinting the last block just to make it on time, was well worth it.

"Huh?" was his confused reply, still thinking of his mad rush to catch this infernal elevator to the 10th floor only to have it come to a jarring stop between the 5th and 6th floor.

"You brought those flowers to give to someone you're visiting here in the hospital, right?Which wing are they admitted in?" she explained patiently, tho her face showed that she found him a bit slow on the uptake.

"Ahhhhhh, ohhhhh this...what...ahhhh no...noooo I don't have a sick...no, no sick person to visit." he had to get a grip of himself, being on duty for almost 18 hours straight has played havoc on his thought process.

Chen Yu looked down on his phone, fiddling with the data icon, turning it on and off, trying to will it to show more than half a bar of signal so that he could call Gu Wei.

He is soooo dead.

"Of all times, this stupid elevator had to break down...it has been wonky for several days now, ya know...but it has to happen now." he heard her mutter irritably.

"You sound as if you're an expert on the elevator upkeep of the hospital...do you work here?" he asked, giving up on his stupid phone for the moment.

"Me, oh no hahahahah far from it...but I have been here so many times in the past few months that I can't help but learn the routine of this entire building...."she shook her head deprecatingly, smiling wider.

"Ohhhhh...are you a patient...sorry, ignore that...it's rude of me...." he apologized hastily, staring at her assessingly, she looked healthy enough, but what does he know, he mentally shrugged.

"Ahhhhh not me...but my dad..." she answered reluctantly.

"I...I'm sorry to hear that...is he gonna be alright?"
he asked, knowing how lame he sounded but is at lost on what else to say.

Please, please maintenance guys hurry the hell up.

"Hmmmmm, we think so...at least his doctor does...and this doctor seems like the kind of person who will tell you straight up the things you need to know, rather than give sugar-coated reassurance."she replied matter-of-factly.

"From what I know, not a lot of doctors will be that frank ---I think they're trained on the science of breaking bad news gently...." he answered, remembering from the stories his ben dan sometimes shared with him --- that most, if not all doctors dread being the bearer of bad news so they tend to do the revealing of their patient's prognosis the round-about way.

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