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How do you Grasp The Unknown?

This was it, this has to be. Was this how it was all going to end? After everything that we had done to get here, how much we went through, my mom's death... We were just going to die. No, no, I couldn't let that happen, I needed to find a way out of this situation.

Guards stormed the room, and before I knew it, they all had guns pointed at us. 

"E-E-L," My dad's voice was cracking, pain flooding through. "E-l get o-ut." He was trying to do the same thing that he had done that one night, get me to leave. Before I could protest, my dad ran at one of the guards.

I yelled for him to stop, but it was too late. The light coursed through my body, making my body feel like it was running, but also sinking, leaving me to feel numb on the floor. My brain, muscles, myself, was gone, or however, gone could be.  It was too late, I ran out of time to do what we came here to do, I wasn't able to defeat them...

Noah ran into the room, grasping me into his arms. "El- Please, please come back to me. You can't leave! You have to stay with me, baby..." He was crying... I have never seen Noah in so much pain before. I couldn't speak, and seeing was already enough. But I knew the risk of doing this, the risk of seeing them one last time. "You're strong, you hear me, you are strong!" But I wasn't... I never was and I will never be strong...

Happy endings in a world that are screwed, to begin with, is impossible to grasp. I knew that I wanted a happy ending with him... Like right now, I'm trying to grasp on the last bit of humanity that I have left.

"EL!" Noah was screaming, shaking my now lifeless body...

3-months earlier...

If I were to describe the area around me, I would say that everything is brown. The dust covering the windows and floor, the ground, the cloud. The dirt-smeared onto my pants or the dead wildflowers on the trail... Even my dirty fingernails, and my bare dirty feet. The worst being my hair and my eyes, things that I could not change. 

Every in the world turned brown after they came... It was almost like their way of always reminding us that they were always here.

When the War first started, the idea that the others (we knew that they are human, we just don't know where they came from) being a danger was insane. We were cocky, arrogant, and wrong. It took them a week to take us, leaving most of us in camps, or me (One of the few people who managed to escape the eyes...)

From what I knew, the others were completely lethal. They looked like normal humans, but they were much worse. Some had the power of telekinetic ability, and were able to take any object, and throw it into the air. Others had the power of amazing strength and could demolish anything in their way. And the worst had the power of the mind. Not only could they see what you were thinking, but they could also take over your body. Making you in extreme pain and have you become one of them.

That process was something entirely different. It's slow at first, and then it becomes you're mind. It's not you're body that dies, it's your soul. The monster creeps into your body and try's to persuade you by promising you things that you didn't even know possible. And somehow, they make you surrender, giving up your soul. 

There are other ways that it can be done, but I don't know what those may be...

I have never seen anyone who could survive this, but I have heard of it. But luck can only last you so long. Luck wasn't my strong suit, but I like to think that I was stronger than them. And somehow, at the same time, weaker than myself.

My life ended before it even started. The end came when my Dad threw me out the door, yelling, "Run and keep running!" His voice was broken when he slammed the door shut in my face. I knew should have run, but I hid behind the shed, watching as he was taken to one of the camps, my mom with him. I like to think that he fought against those people- creatures- whatever they were. But I know that he was too kind to do so... 

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