My Alpha Mate Rejected Me

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Chapter 2

Luz P.O.V

"I swears its like the last time I take you guys to Mickey D's or go with you guys" I said in serious tone I can't believe them seriously.

"What, why." Both adrian and bryan said at the same time.

"Are you guys serious asking me why after what happen."

"If we knew why we wouldn't be asking lulu." Adrian said using the nickname they gave me when we were small.

"You guys almost got in a fight with the group of guys." I was really mad at them. The guys was really nice, he seemed like good person. We were talking getting to know each other, but Adrian and bryan had to come and ruin that. I have to say he was good looking. I can still remember seeing him when we walked in Mickey D's.


Me and the boys were in my car arguing about if we should eat inside or if we should go through the drive through. We've been like this for ten mins and was getting fustrated because they didn't arguing and I was getting hungrier, so I decide I had enough of this.

"Enough we're eating inside and that's it I'm getting tired of arguing and I'm getting hungrier by the minute, so let go.
They both turn to look at me and nod there heads before getting out the car and walking to Mickey D's. I get my car and walk behind them. When we walk in I look around to see if there any available seats for us. While I'm looking around I notice a group of guys staring at us but I dont make much of it.

"You guys go order our food while I get us some seats and get me quarter pounder deluxe, large fries and a coke kay."

"Fine we'll be back soon just try not to talk to any stranger's okay." Adrian told me seriously and I know better than to disobey him. He as brian are really overprotective over me since we're like brother's and sister.

"And if any one is bothering you just yell our name we'll come, got it." I reall prefer brian when he is childish he kinda looks creepy when hes really serious. I wonder they there being so protective than usual. I wondering if there hiding something from me I'll ask them later.

"Okay, okay chill just go get me my food I'll be alright."

"Okay we won't be long." I nodded and walked away to look for a table. I kept looking around but the only table available was the one next the table witht he group of guys that were looking at us earlier. Whatever as long as they don't bother it's alright. I walk to the table and sit on chair faceing them. I take out my iPhone 5S and start looking through my playlist. While I was looking at me phone I hear mumbling and soon enough I feel someone's presences next to me. I look up from my phone I see a guy with pale skin, black hair and green eyes, with a black t-shirt and blue jeans looking at me. I awkwardly look at at him waiting see if he wants something, but doesn't say anything just looks at me.

"Um, can I help you."  I said trying not to aound rude or anything.

"Huh." He said looking confused as to why asked him that question.

"Yea it's cause you've been standing there just looking at me." I said trying not to sound creeped out.

"Oh sorry I just wanted to ask you your name me and my buddies wanted to know." Okay he's relly stating to creep me out first he come up to me and just stares at me, now he wants to know my name.

" um, not to be rude or anything but like why do you want to know my name, I don't even know your name or who you are." I told him seriously so he wouldn't thing I was scared.

"Sorry I'm Derek and my buddies, the two with pale skin are Jasper and Emmett." He told me pointing to them.
Jasper was pale with light brown eyes and with light brown locks. Emmett is tall with black hair and dark brown eyes.

"The other two are Paul and Sam, as to why we wanted to know your name it's cause we're new around here and don't know anyone so we wanted to get someone to show us around." I stayed quite to think about. I don't know what to do u want to but, then again I bearly know them. I don't want to be aline with how knows what they'll do to me. I should just telll adrian and bryan to go with me I know they will.

"Fine but with my two friends have to come with us."

"That's alright we don't mind so when can you show us around." I think of when I can show them around. I know that I can't today I have to go to school and I have training later with my dad.

"I can't today I have to go back to schools and I have to meet up with my dad, but what about tomorrow it's Saturday and I don't think I have anything to do."

"Yea that would be great, I'll give you my phone number and you can give me yours so you can txt ne were and what tine to meet up kay." He said taking out his phone and giving it to me to put my number and I pass him mine for him to put his number. I give him back his phone and he gives me mine back. And just when I get my phobe back adrian and bryan come back. When they see me talking to Derek it doesn't take much to know rhat they are piss. They walk towards us and look at me with "what did I tell you"  look then look at Derek.

"Luz what did we tell you not to talk to any stranger's,  but there you still don't listen do you." Adrian said to my angrily and glared at Derek.

"Look buddy she wasn't doing anything wrong and she can do what ever she wants." Derek said to him in annoyance clear in his voice.

"Look buddy I was talking to her not to you so I suggest you get lost." Adrian told him back.

"What if I don't want to I can do whatever I want." Said Derek.

"Look just get out of here and take your buddies with you before I do something I won't regret." Adrain said. I see Derek's friends get up from the table and stand behind him glaring at Adrian and Bryan.

"Adrian please lets just he wasn't bothering me okay sorry I didn't listen to you." I asked not wanting anything bad  to happen. And knowing Adrian he wouldn't give ashit. I look at him pleading him so listen to me. He nods and grabs my hand and begins to pull me to another table away from Derek with bryan next to him. Before I leave I look back at Derek and  mouth sorry to him. He just smiles and my hand holds his hand to his ear telling me to call him. I nod In at him wave at him go with adrian and bryan to the table. We sat there and ate, then a while later Derek and his friends.

Flashback over-

I have to say he is cute, but I bet he has a girlfriend and I'm soon going to find my mate. Just thinking of my mate makes me smile. I hope I meet mate soon.

Hope you guys like this chapter i'll probably put up the next chapter in a few days.
Please vote, comment, follow bye till next time

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