Michael and Devon was filling up at a gas station to get some gas and using the restroom when a gang of Mexicans came
(Mexican)Hey are you dvin Michael
(Michael) yes why..
(N)Devin got out of the truck
(Devin)Michael hurry up .....
Who are you guys( Mexican) we are hear you kill you
(Devin ) waght
(N)Michael Throws corn on them Devon lights down a chicken strap with C4
(Mexican ) wat is that beeping noise
(N) Devin makes a cheesy JoJo reference and the chicken explode
(Michael )who were thay
(Devin ) I don't know but they was here to Kill us
The red line
AcciónThis is a story about a group of boys going against two of the boys dads and that have to stop ther dads before they reach full power