I. I miss you.

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3rd person point of view.
Tim was sitting at home waiting for Conner. During text, they'd plan to watch a movie. Since Tim was already at home working, Conner thought it be smart to buy snacks and drinks since he was already outside. He had a job at this summer fair and Tim has done art classes at home. During a pandemic, there's really nothing you can do for the summer. But now, since it was over, they decided to start off their fall with a movie night. Yes, they had college tomorrow morning, but it was really nothing big. No one gives work on the first day.

Tim had told Conner to be at home by 7,  because they had been watching movies on cable. Right now, it was 9:30. Does it really take that long to just get a couple of snacks and beverages? Tim had been worried just a bit, so he decided to text his partner.

                                                               Tim Drake
                                                Hey where are you?

Conner Kent
Sorry Tim, I made a mistake and went to the wrong supermarket to get our stuff, and now I'm stuck in traffic. Please don't be mad.

                                                               Tim Drake
                No, I'm not mad. Just a tad worried. Just get here as soon as you can. I miss you. :/

Conner Kent
Aw you miss me! Don't worry, I'm actually almost home now! Be there in 10-15 minutes.

                                                               Tim Drake
                                           Alright, see you soon.

Conner Kent
See you soon! <3

Now since Tim knew Conner was coming home, he got bored just from sitting there waiting. He decided to at least tidy up the house a bit. It was somewhat messy, you could say.

10 minutes passed at Conner was finally home. "Tim? I got our stuff!" Conner yelled after opening the door. "Hey Kon!" said Tim, who was running down the stairs jumping on Conner. He almost dropped his items but he had a good grip on them. "Wait- where you cleaning?" Conner asked. "Well, yeah." Tim responded. "I was kinda bored knowing that you were coming home soon. So I needed something to do." Conner instantly put a smile on his face. "I like what you did." Tim's face lit up and he replied with a "Why thank you, sir."

When Kon settled the snacks and beverages on the kitchen counter, he peeped at Tim who was laying on the couch in the living room looking extremely bored but low-key tired. "Tim? What do you wanna do? You don't look amused." Tim fixed his posture and said "I kinda wanna sleep, we missed Awake!" Kon frowned and replied "Oh no, I'm sorry, I'll put our snacks and stuff away then." He put away the drinks in the fridge and but the snacks in the pantry. He then started to head out the kitchen, and enter the living room. He picked up the remote off the coffee table and turned off the tv with one click. Turning around to look at Tim, he put the remote down, walked over to him, and picked up. Tim had his legs crossed around Kon's waist, arms around his neck, and head on his shoulder. The way he was being held up was already drifting him off to sleep.

Tim and Kon were already in their room now. Tim was sleeping peacefully in the bed while Kon was slipping into something more comfortable. When he was done, he turned around on his heel to head to bed.

Kon had started to see Tim squirming around the bed, with his eyes tied shut. He thought now would be a good time to act fast and cuddle the 5'5 boy. He gently slipped under the covers and pulled Tim close to him. Tim was fighting it at first while feeling unsafe but then he knew the only person that was with him was Kon. He soon settled into his arms and slept normally again. Kon's eyes started to feel heavy, and that meant he was tired. He decided to just close his eyes and drift off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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