the date

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N:the Sun started to set over the island and luz was getting all ready for her date in the owl house.she was already beautiful she was wearing her dress from amity party and her neckless but then she started to go over board.

Luz:okay uhh have you guys seen me perfume.

N:eda grabbed luz.

Eda:okay luz look at me you need to calm down you smell fine.

Luz:yeah its just I'm really nervous its my first date.

Eda:oh really I didn't notice you going all out you dont need make up amd perfume all you need is you and that's what amity likes.

N:she then let go of luz.

Luz:yeah your right eda I don't need all this stuff.

King:yeah luz you look amazing but you might want to get going before your late.

Luz:right I should be heading out ok love you and I love you.

N:luz gave her friends hugs.

Luz:okay stay safe out of troubel guys bye.

Eda:luz wait I want you to have this for tonight.

N:eda handed luz her magic staff.

Luz:era I can't take this.

Eda:naa you gotta show up to her house in style.

Luz:okay thanks I love you guys.


Eda:dont so anything wrong.

N:luz rushed downstairs and went out side she hopped on to her staff and flew away.

N:amity was also getting ready in her house.

Miss blight:I'm so excited.I'm so glad you decided to give this girl another chance.

Mr blight:yeah now we finally get to meet her.

Amity:yeah well it just a date not do I look?

Miss blight:you look magical darling she is going to jump when she sees you.

N:the door bell then rung.

Mr blight:speaking of which.

N:the parents open the door amd invited the girl in.

Miss blight:welcome you must be luz.

Luz:yeah thats me it's really nice to meet you both.

Mr blight:you to deer.

Amity:alright give her some space.

N:the parents then moved away from the girl.

Luz:hey you.

Amity:you look nice.

Luz:you look better.

Mr and miss blight:awwwww.

Amity:MOM DAD I think its time for us to go.

Mr blight:wait I wamt tonget one photo before you go hold still.

N:mr blight grabbed a camera.Luz put her arm around amity waist which made amity blush.

Mr blight:say cheese.

Amity amd luz:CHEESE.

Mr blight:perfect now young lady you be good with our amity you hear.

Luz:loud and clear sir.

Miss blight:you to run along.

Amity:bye mom bye dad.

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