Chapter 1 - ❤️

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~ Lily ~

Do you ever get this strong urge to kill someone? Like, they're constantly annoying you and it gets to a certain point where you just want to slam their face into concrete until you can't even recognize them anymore. That's what I want to do right now to my history teacher.

Ms. Johnson leans back in her chair as she speaks, "Lily, we've been over this a hundred times. You're failing my class. You have to show effort and participate more."

I roll my eyes and place my hands on the desk, "It doesn't matter how many times you tell me. It won't change a thing. I don't need this shit."

"Then why are you here?" She asks while furrowing her eyebrows as confusion crosses her face.

I tilt my head to the side and narrow my eyes at her, "That's none of your damn business."

"I'm here to make sure that my students pass my class." She stands up and walks around to the front of her desk. "I want to help yo-"

"Let me stop you right there." I cut her off while standing up also and making my way to the front of the class where she's at. "I stopped needing help when I was eight years old. Even if I did need or want help for anything, I certainly wouldn't be asking you."

She stares at me in silence for a few seconds before clearing her throat and saying, "I've tried to get ahold of your father to set up a parent-teacher conference. It seems nearly impossible, so could you please let him know to give the school a call?"

I humorlessly laugh at how stupid she is and shake my head, "If it seems impossible, that's because it is impossible. I advise you to stay out of my business and stop trying to get in contact with my father."

Before she could say another word, I walk out of her classroom and into the hallway which is crowded with students. I don't even walk five steps before someone comes jogging up to me.

"Hey, Lily." Chris flashes me a grin while standing way too close to me. "I'm having a party at my house this weekend and you're invited."

Chris is captain and quarterback of the football team and one of my past mistakes. I slept with him at a party about two months ago.

We were both drinking so I never accused him of taking advantage of me. I made the decision to sleep with him in the moment and the next morning, I grabbed my things and left without so much as a goodbye.

"Pass." I immediately respond before walking around him and continuing down the hallway.

He follows after me and runs up to my side, "Why? This party is going to be the best you've ever been to. You have to go."

"Chris, do me a favor and fuck off before I break your arm." I respond with annoyance and glance back at him. "Your throwing arm."

He stops walking and stares at me as I continue walking away. A few seconds later, I hear him shout after me, "So I'll see you this weekend then?!"

Ignoring his question, I walk through the crowds of students until I make it outside in the front of the school. As I'm heading towards my car, my eyes land on one of my favorite people leaning against the hood of my car.

"I was about to call you. Why'd you take so long, flower?" Sebastian asks once I'm standing in front of him.

I pull my car keys out of my pocket and say, "Take a guess. I really don't like that teacher. I have never met anyone more nosey in my life."

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