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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐆𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐄. One minute Mollie was stuffing her face with pakoras in the Paracha sitting room while Missy and Nas engaged in yet another shouting match, and the next the three girls were stood in a scruffy flat in the most dodgy part of town trying to get back the eighth quid Missy's mum stole from her Nana.

While Missy argued with her mum, her voice cracking with emotion, Mollie noticed Nas swipe the wallet from the cluttered coffee table and pocket it. Giving the Wilson girl a subtle nod, Nas gestured towards the door. Mollie took the hint, grabbed Missy's arm and tugged on it. "Missy, I'd leave it."

While she protested, Nas joined Mollie in pulling the blonde towards the door. "Trust me, Missy. Come on."

The three girls got outside and rushed down the stairs, escaping as fast as they could. Making sure they were safely out of sight, the Paracha girl pulled the brown wallet out of her pocket and handed it over to Missy. "Here. It were on the table."

Missy's mouth dropped open and she pulled Nas into her arms. "Oh my god, thank you! I can't believe you robbed him!"

"The man's scum."

"Yeah but look at you, with all that headgear, and doing this." Missy reveled, holding up the wad of notes that had gone missing.

"She's a stealthy one, is our Nas." Mollie smiled and squeezed the girl's arm, proud of her act of rebellion, although she still seemed to be looking down.

"I just thought it would...make us feel more like meself." Nas muttered with a sigh.

"You're like yourself already. You can't be not like yourself, it's impossible." Missy replied, but rolled her eyes as she received no response. "Fine, dont talk to me. I get you hate me after the Cory thing. Sorry he kissed you and that."

"I kissed him." Nas corrected her, her voice growing quiet. "Just trying something."

"Trying my brother? What does that even mean?" Mollie furrowed her eyebrows in a mixture of confusion and disgust.

"Maybe she's right, she's not acting like herself." Missy smirked, nodding towards Nas as she nudged Mollie.

"You don't know who I am." Nas shot back with furrowed eyebrows, making Mollie wonder if she was hiding something.

"Oh, alright, you're well mysterious. You're all changed and want nowt to do with us, I get it." Missy scoffed, before stopping the other girls in their tracks as her face grew serious. "But you tell anyone what gone on tonight-"

"Missy, like I'd tell anyone." Nas sighed, leaning against the wall. The two other girls followed suit, standing either side of her for a moment in silence until Missy broke it with a smirk.

"Saw Cory staring at Alya and that. Think he's got a thing for hijabis. So if you like him-" She teased, bumping Nas with her shoulder.

"I don't want Cory."

"A wise choice." Mollie muttered with a shrug.

"I don't want a boy."

"Okay, how about a proper boyfriend that your mom -" Missy began, but was cut off again by Nas.

"No, I don't want a boy." She said again, but this time it seemed different. More serious and honest- and that's when it clicked and Mollie understood what Nas was really saying. From the Paracha girl's face alone, Mollie could tell that it was hard for her so grabbed her hand to give it a squeeze, all while Missy just continued to look into the distance obliviously. "Do you see what I'm saying? I don't want a boy, Missy. Ever."

Turning towards her with a smirk, Missy said the last thing that the two girls could've ever expected. "What, you some big hairy lesbian now?"

A hurt look on her face, Nas glared at Missy before walking off. Scolding the blonde girl, Mollie gave her a disapproving look. "Missy, you idiot!"

"What? She's joking, right? It's a joke?"

"What do you think, brainiac?" Shaking my head at her, the Wilson girl started off in the other direction towards her house and gave the girl one last shout. "Night Missy."

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𝐌𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, waiting for Nas or Missy to arrive or, like she was hoping deep down, both of them together again. So when she spotted them strolling down the path, arm in arm, she let out a relieved breath and couldn't help the smile that grew on her face.

"Here this, Mollie!" Missy called out as they approached the brunette. "Nas says she don't fancy me. She says I'm not her type."

"You're joking!" Mollie exclaimed sarcastically, making them both laugh as they continued to chat as they walked towards school.

"Nasreen! I thought we talked about this! About them. About her." Alya sneered, nodding towards the other two girls, but mostly Missy.

"Alya, they're my best mates. I'm allowed to hang around with who I want." Nas rolled her eyes, sticking up for herself.

"Yeah, but you represent us. We should be sticking together."

"What, so now just 'cause we look alike and we both believe in the same thing, I've now got to think like you as well?" Nas questioned her with a dry smile, her hand finding the end of her hijab and beginning to pull it over her head.

"What, so you're taking that off now?" Alya raised her voice.

"Well, clearly I wasn't wearing it for the right reasons." Nas shrugged before leaving an incredulous Alya behind, while Missy and Mollie followed suit gladly with smug smiles.

"Yes Nas!" Missy cheered, throwing her arms in the air wildly. "So anyway, Nas, if you don't fancy either of us two, who do you like?"

"She'd have to be well sexy to be better than us." Mollie joked, while Missy hummed in agreement.

Nas didn't reply, but bit down on her lip as Miss Shariff walked by the girls. No words were necessary as Mollie and Missy exchanged a surprised glance, before looking back at Nas for an answer. "Her? The new teacher?"

"I mean she is pretty sexy, but she's a teacher." Mollie sighed and Missy nodded in agreement.

"Exactly, she ain't gonna go for it, Nas." She said, poking the girl's nose playfully. But, much to their surprise, a smug smile grew on Nas' face and she shrugged. "Already has."

"No way!" The two girls exclaimed at the same time, completely shocked by the revelation as they moved to stand either side of Nas and get a better look at Miss Shariff. "We need details, Nasreen."

"It were last year at me old school." Nas explained with a smile. "She were only there a term, but I though I'd never see her again."

Incredulous, both Missy and Mollie's mouths gaped open while Nas blushed at the relentless teasing that she knew was to come. But in truth, she couldn't be happier. Even after everything that happened between them, the three girls were back and better than ever, ready to take on the world.

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