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Mari's POV

I woke up to Tikki screaming. "MARINETTE, AN AKUMA!!!!" I jumped out of bed and into a fighting stance. It was peaceful outside and the birds were chirping in the background. I groaned and looked at my alarm clock. It was 6:15. School starts at 7 so, why go to bed. I shuffled over to the closet and grabbed an outfit and put it on. 

I let my blue hair out and styled it then did my makeup

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I let my blue hair out and styled it then did my makeup. 

My hair a dark midnight blue that reached the end of my back

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My hair a dark midnight blue that reached the end of my back. It was pretty long. 

I grabbed my school bag and my purse

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I grabbed my school bag and my purse. I put cookies in my bag and Tikki flew in. I grabbed my headphones and my phone and went downstairs. My aunt and uncle were in helping my parents with some problems in China with the royal problems so, it was just me and Tikki. I was 19 and pretty responsible so, they trusted me. I grabbed me a coffee and made my way to school. 

I turned on my playlist and connected my phone to my bluetooth headphones. I put them on and listened to my music as I walked to school. The school was only a 10 minutes walk so, I enjoyed myself. I got there at 6:45 and Alya, Nino and Adrien weren't here yet so, I sat on a bench against the wall and waited for them. 

I usually wasn't early but, this time it was different. I sipped my coffee occasionally as  waited and finally Alya showed. She saw me and she had a surprised look on her face. I waved her over and she came. "Hey Als." "Are you, Marinette Dupain Cheng or an alien in disguise?" "I am pretty sure I'm Marinette Dupain Cheng. I just happened to wake up early." I stood up and gave her a hug which she returned. She pulled away and looked at my outfit. "Loving the outfit girl. And since, when was your hair this long?" I laughed. 

"My hair has always been this long Alya. I just styled it to make it look shorter. And thanks. I'm glad you like my outfit. I like yours too." 


"Simple yet stylish

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"Simple yet stylish." She smiled. "Thanks. So, do you know when Nino is going to be here?" It was no secret she was crushing on Nino and I didn't mind that. They were totally meant for each other. As if on cue, Nino arrived. "Hey dudettes!" He gave each of us a hug and smiled. We talked to each other about random stuff like, games, school, memories and whatnot. 

Adrien's car pulled up and he got out and was immediately hugged by Chloe. "Adrikins!!!" She tried to kiss him but, he turned his head and she kissed him cheek. He had experience. He looked around for us and when, he found us, he looked at us with eyes that said 'help me.' We walked over and we said hi to Adrien knowing she would let go when, she saw us. Chloe let go and scowled at us. "Adrikins, why are you friends with them? You should hang out with people more your class." He sighed. "Chloe I've told you this before. They are my friends and I can hang out with whomever I wish." "Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!" She stomped her foot and walked away with Sabrina following her. 

We all laughed and started walking. "Thanks for helping me." "No problem, Adrien. We don't mind." I stayed quiet as my mind wondered away. The school bell brought me back down to Earth and we started running to the classroom. We reached the classroom and went in to our seats. The four of us talked together while we waited for Ms.Bustier to come. 

Third Person POV

Ms.Bustier walked in and she clapped her hands. "Class, I have some exciting news! Our class was chosen to go on an exclusive field trip! We're going to see the Princess of China's coronation to her becoming Queen! It was already paid for and we leave tomorrow at 5 AM." The entire class started cheering. Marinette and Nino paled and were as white as paper and slowly turned to face each other. 

Marinette passed out but, Nino didn't. Adrien caught Marinette and picked her up bridal style. She's really light, he thought. "Do you want me to take her to the nurse?" Ms.Bustier nodded. "Please. And Nino, you should go too. You look really pale." He nodded and walked with Adrien to the nurses office. 

Nino sat on a cot and drank his bottle of water trying to figure out what he just heard and if it was real or not. Adrien placed Marinette on a cot and sat in a chair next to her. He stared at her while, he was waiting for her to wake up. Has she always had those cute freckles all across her nose? And did she have plump pink lips before? he thought. Now is not the time Adrien. You can think about this later. He shook his head and put his head back and stared at the ceiling until,he stared drifting to sleep. 

He jolted up when, he heard Marinette groan. Her eyes fluttered open and slowly sat up. "Adrien?" Her voice was hoarse and raspy. He got her a cup of water and she drank it. "Thank you." Her voice was clearer. "Your welcome, Marinette. Do you know why you passed out?" She shook her head and avoided eye contact. 

He understood. "Maybe you'll want to talk about it later." She nodded. "Where's Nino?" He pointed over to the cot where Nino was. She nodded. "I think we should head to class." They got up and Marinette walked to where Nino was. She tapped him and he opened his eyes. He got up and stretched his arms. "Back to class?" She nodded and the three teens walked out. 

Marinette's POV

I was able to walk steady on my own. 3rd period hadn't started and Alya was in the courtyard. I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and pulled me into a hug. "Oh my goodness, Mari! You scared me when, you passed out! Don't EVER do that again." I nodded and she smiled. I smiled back and we started walking together. 

The rest of school passed in a blur and pretty soon it was time to go home. 

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