Chapter 12: The Replacement

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Violet's POV
     I was so pissed at how immature Clem was acting. She knew how devastated I was from loosing the twins and now Minerva was back and she can't let me just enjoy it. She should know by now I love her and I've moved on from Minnie. Our friends are in danger and she is acting like a jealous fucking five year old. "Hey Violet." The voice breaks me from my thoughts as I look up to see Minerva smiling at me. "Oh, hey Minnie." I say quietly, crossing my arms. "What's wrong?" She asks, looking at me with a concerned look. "It's nothing, so what's up?" I ask, trying to change the subject. I didn't really want to talk about current girlfriend problems with an ex girlfriend. "I was actually hoping to talk to Clem, let her know I mean no ill intent. Have you seen her?" Minnie asks, I nod and point to the office. "She is in there, she is a little pissed right now. It's not like her to say the least." I warn, I at least felt content knowing Minnie was doing the right thing and being the bigger person. I expect that of Clementine, but I guess I didn't know her as well as I thought. "Thanks Vi. And maybe she just isn't all that she seemed to be at first." She says, stopping right in front of me for a second. "And for what it's worth, I really missed you." She says with a soft smile before walking past me up to the office.

Clementine's POV
     I felt like such an asshole for how I was treating Violet, but something about Minerva just wasn't fucking sitting well with me. The last thing I wanted was for Violet to go through all that heartache again. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. "Come in." I call out, Minerva quietly stepping into the room and closing the door. "What do you want?" I ask, honestly at this point I just felt defeated. Maybe I was just jealous and Minerva wasn't up to anything. "I just wanted to talk to you." She says walking over to the desk and looking down at me with a smug smile. "Violet's done with you, you know that right?" She asks smiling, I look at her with a glare. "Bullshit, Violet loves me." I snap, Minerva smiles and walks around the desk sitting in the chair. "Oh yeah I'm sure she gave you some romantic heartfelt speech. Please, she was just lonely after she lost me, I was everything to her." I wanted to fucking kill her as she continues on. "You're just a phase, and look what you did. Got her friends killed and captured, you were my replacement at best, the bare fucking minimum. Now that I'm back she has no use for you." She says with a smirk. I slam my hands on the desk. "Shut the fuck up! You don't know anything about what we have!" I snap, but Minerva doesn't even budge. "I know she loves me, and now I'm back. I mean who is she going to choose? Some girl she met a few weeks ago who has been nothing but trouble? Or the girl she has known and loved for years." Minerva says with a confident smirk before standing up. "Violet is mine, and if she hears anything about this little exchange. I'll just tell her you tried to kick me out because you were jealous. We'll see how much she cares about you when she hears you threw me to the walkers." She says before walking off towards the door.
     "She would never fucking believe that." I snap, but Minerva looks over her shoulder with a confident smirk. "That's cute, she seemed to believe I was innocent when I showed up randomly after a Delta raid." She says before laughing and walking out of the office. It felt like my blood was boiling, I wanted to fucking kill her. I couldn't tell if I was more pissed because I was right or because there was nothing I could do about it. I can't convince Violet Minerva is fucking up to something. I can't let her take advantage of Violet like that. I look out the window down into the courtyard, Violet was sitting at a picnic table as Minerva runs up, sitting next to her and laughing with her. I hated how all I could do was sit and watch it happen.

     I tossed and turned that entire night, Minerva's words echoing in my head. You're just a phase. The words felt like a piercing headache I couldn't get rid of. You were my replacement at best, now I'm back and she has no use for you. I fucking hated it, I was so much more to Violet. I'm not a fucking replacement, I'm not. I hear noises coming from down the hall, I look over at AJ who was sound asleep. I sit up and slowly opening the door, trying my best to keep it from creaking. I walk through the halls towards the source of the sound. "Clem." A voice whispers behind me, i turn around to see Duck down the hall looking at me. He had a bullet hole in his head, as he walks over to me. "Duck?!" I yell worried, running up to him and grabbing him as he falls. "Why, why didn't you help me?" He asks, looking up at me as blood pours out of the bullet hole. "Lee told me to run! I'm sorry." I whisper, Duck's breathing slowly stops as he falls to the ground limp. "No." I whisper, footsteps behind me grabbing my attention. I turn around and cover my mouth to prevent a sob from breaking loose. Luke, Sarah, Jane, Kenny. Luke was frozen, his skin was blue and peeling. Sarah and Kenny both missing chunks of their bodies that had been eaten by walkers. Jane had Kenny's large blade sticking out of her chest, blood pouring out of it.

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