Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV

I was tied up to a chair with a thick rope. For the first time in a while, they had the brains to trap me. I smirked. I managed to tap the ring on my middle finger and let the small knife do the work.

In the next two minutes, I escaped. I knocked a guard out behind his back and robbed him of his clothes. I chucked him into the nearest bin and shut the lid, leaving a bit of space for him to breathe.

I swiped his ID and made my way to the top floor where the most tricky obstacle would be ahead.

One by one I stealthily took down the guards.

"Alert. Prisoner has escaped. Alert Prisoner has escaped." The alarm went on for a while but I used the chaos as an advantage to sneak my way to the higher floors. I slightly pulled my sleeve up and whispered into my watch.

"Agent L.H speaking. I'll need a helicopter on the top floor in 10 minutes." A ten minute timer started on my watch and I quickly made my way to the top floor.

"You must be Agent L.H. I am the leader of this Dark Side base. I presume you've come to steal the virus." He chuckled, obviously distracted so I took this as a chance to send a kick his way.

He grabbed my foot and flipper my backwards.




I punched him repeatedly as he dodged nearly all of them but eventually taking a hard hit to the ribs. He clutched his right side and growled. I grabbed him by the arm and flipped him over my shoulders.




'Five minutes to find the virus.' I searched everything, not being able to find it. 2 minutes passed so I decided to go to the tied up leader.

"Where's Virus-19?" I lifted him up by his collar.

"Why would I tell you Lucy Heartfilia?" He said through his gritted teeth. I growled back at him and knelt down on his right ribcage.

"Where is it?!" I shouted with pure venom in my voice. I took a step back but heard a creak. So I investigated.

I jumped on the area putting a lot of pressure on my foot and cracked the wood. It revealed a little red button. 'Bingo'. I smirked and pressed it. Electronic sounds were heard and a secret cabinet revealed itself with a tube of red liquid inside a glass tube.

'59 seconds left.' I made my way to the roof as I clutched the virus in my hand. I grabbed onto the ladder of the helicopter and proper myself up. As we flew away I saw men run up to the roof.

Mission: Get Virus-19, Completed.

Natsu's POV

'One down 9 to go.'

I done a backflip, dodging a bullet that was aimed at my head. I kicked the gun out of his hands and caught it mid air. I aimed it at the guys leg and shot.

'Another one down 8 to go'

I used the last bullet in the gun and shot one of their shoulders. I then roundhouse kicked another one taking two down in a short amount of time.

"Gotta say, I thought this would be harder." I panted. I done a back handspring landing on one of their shoulders so I punched them in the face, stood up on his shoulder and propelled myself to another person, ultimately knocking them down.

I jumped onto multiple things leading me to a high place and so I jumped down onto one of my opponents leaving three more to take out.

The three surrounded me so I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and used my special ability. Intense hearing.

The all attacked me at once. One was about to pull the trigger I quickly moved my head to the side as he shot, hitting another one of his teammates.

The last one tried to attack me from behind but I elbowed him in the gut and threw him down.

I heard a chuckle from behind me, "It's not like you're going to survive either way."

I turned around, "What do you mean by that?" I sneered.

"This entire place is rigged with explosives, one click of a button and we're all dead. And you won't be able to escape in 5 minutes."

I quickly started making a run for it, jumping over or sliding under anything that was in my way.

'Fuck, Dead end.'

I was about to turn around but something came to mind.

'If this is a dead end, then this is a wall leading to the outside.'

I smirked and grabbed a huge metal thing and threw it at full strength against the wall.

The wall broke.

'Only 2 story's up. Perfect.'

I jumped down barely landing on my feet. I ran far enough so that I would only get a small impact of the explosion and wouldn't die.

I tightly clutched the small tube of glass with a virus in it but not as tight that it would explode.

Mission Completed.


"Super Agent Lucy Heartfilia and Super Agent Natsu Dragneel, please make your way to the Head of the Agency office."

The two both made their way up gaining many looks from people. A lot of the agents aspire to be like them, after all, they are the best of the best. And to top that off, they're both only teenagers.

The two never actually enjoyed being near each other for they despised the other. They were just two not compatible sources.

They both scrambled over who would open the door but in the end Lucy won.

"Hello Sir." Natsu said, his hands behind his back and his spy glasses clasped onto his suit pocket.

"Nice to see you again Sir." Lucy said, with a not so serious face.

"Mission Ranked Dragon."

The two Agents breath hitched. Ranked Dragon is the highest danger. Meaning whatever it was, could wipe out their entire planet. There had not been a Rank Dragon for the past 2 Century's and just by hearing Dragon, you could tell it's serious.

"FairyTail Academy. We have much proof that their HeadMaster Hades is the leader of the DarkSide. Somewhere in that school, they have been building up a high amount of power. (Magic isn't a thing in this) If they let that energy free, it could have the same effect of a stellar collision. It would wipe out all life on planets and all surrounding planets. It's very dangerous, and that's why we need you two to stop it."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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