Straighten your Path…
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight…“
Proverbs 3:5-6
Our president “Pnoy” once talked about “Tuwid na Daan” in his campaign slogan last campaign period before his presidency, did you know why he said that? It was maybe because WE need to be directed in the right path. As school rules state that “always pass right,” the question is are we really passing in the right way? If not, we really need directions and the RIGHT DIRECTION IS WITH GOD. He knows what’s best for His people and we are secured that He will not do something that can harm us because, “WE ARE HIS PRECIOUS!”…
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things,” Jeremiah 33:3… Our God is all-knowing He will tell you the right path if only you talk to Him and ask for it. God wants to have a conversation with us. He’s not asking for all of our time even a single second of our life a day could warm His heart. Imagine how ready God will listen to us, might be with our problems, complaints, even a simple thanks and honor for His graces He has given us. It’s AWESOME! For GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD. He never fails to shut His ears for us despite every awful thing about us.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thought,” Isaiah 55:9… The world we are in is wealthy with information with the help of internet which is the information highway, it seems that there’s nothing in this world that can’t be answered by anyone. Oops! We forgot how all-knowing God is. Imagine how wide and deep an ocean is? How vast the universe and the secrets behind it? God’s knowledge is beyond all of that and what we know is only a drop of it and as if a single star out of it. With our given knowledge we can comprehend only a single pace of God’s master plan for us. The right path is the path going towards God. God wants us to be with Him in our forever and in our eternal life after this uncertainty and doubts on earth. God’s path will lead us to goodness but it doesn’t mean that we can no longer experience terrible things for those things strengthen our trust and faith on Him and out of those terrible things there is this promise that God guarantees to each individual which is the promise of a happiness which is never ending with HIM.
“Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,” Philippians 3:20… True home is in heaven with our Creator. The Bible says that we are travellers in this world that we came just to pass by. But our actions in this world will determine if we can really PASS and go to our ultimate destination which is home- HEAVEN. If we are on the rock passing then this is the time we should persevere in doing what is right for tomorrow is a question and this very moment is what really matters and counts. There is no buts and whys when we talk about going to heaven for every moral and Godly decision we will make and do just to go home is right. How will you know if you made a right decision? Jesus said, “It is when you picked the harder choice yet your heart is still at peace.” Ask God for forgiveness of your sins and to cleanse you with His love and care for you. Offer your life to Him for you to be called His own and that you want to be with Him ‘till eternity.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life,” John 3:16… Love is God. In Newton’s Law of Interaction which states that: In every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, for God when He loved, loves and will love us, He never ask for any return. God never complain about us forgetting and hurting Him. He never shouted and asks for any equal reaction from us. We mess things up, we repeatedly do bad things, and we fall short but still GOD LOVES US. He never gets tired of loving, forgiving and accepting us… if there would be anything perfect in this world aside from God, it would be HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FOR EACH OF US.
Need directions? Ask GOD… J