tag again XD

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1:lilli eve Wisconsin Scarborough2:yes cosplay,drawing,and singing3:i have a lot :/4:

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1:lilli eve Wisconsin Scarborough
2:yes cosplay,drawing,and singing
3:i have a lot :/

1:lilli eve Wisconsin Scarborough2:yes cosplay,drawing,and singing3:i have a lot :/4:

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My home screen

My lock screen 5:yes being a pasta lol6:what is sleep

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My lock screen
5:yes being a pasta lol
6:what is sleep...sleep are for losers (I'm sorry)
7:i lost count enough AS
8:I'm good at math
9: history and art
10:navada actually but I live in Oregon
11: no...
12:nope :>
13: a lot :/
14: yes I do but a lot
15:yep and its to many bros
16:kinda but it's getting better
17: 3 cuz it was a Monday
18: yee
19: single :/
20: Jane cuz I think we would be like best friends ngl

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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