Chapter 14

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Y/n POV:

I woke up and saw that Hyunjin was still asleep. I remembered that I had training with Felix soon so I would have to get ready. I tried to get out of Hyunjin's grip, but he just held me tighter. Eventually I got out of him embrace and decided to write him a note so he wouldn't panic when he actually woke up since he had fallen back into a deep sleep. I tip toed out of his room and went to mine. I was in the hallway and heard someone clear their throat.

"What are you doing sneaking out of Hyunjin's room?". Chan said not sounding impressed.

"Don't worry Chan. Nothing happened. I just remembered that I had training with Felix and I still need to freshen up so I'm going to my room to do that".

"Hmm ok. Your my baby sister, I have a right to be curious as to why you are sneaking out of a boys room"

"You know he's my boyfriend right? Anyways I'm not a baby". I whined

"Yes I know but your still my 'baby' sister".

I just rolled my eyes to him and went into my room. I had a shower, done my skincare routine, put on some concealer and mascara since I wouldn't be doing much physical work today. I put on a pair of pastel pink sweatpants with a cropped white strap top. It was time to train with Felix so I quickly ran to the kitchen to get a cereal bar and ate it on my way to the basement where most of the training areas were. I was led up to the door and looked through a glass panel it had on it. Felix was already in there setting up and looking at his different guns. I knocked on the door and he signalled for me to come in.

"Hello Y/n". He bowed slightly

"Hello Felix". I bowed back

"What are we doing for today then?". I asked whilst walking over to the table that had a lot of guns layed out on it.

"Gun shooting! How much do you know about shooting a gun?" He sounded all excited.

"Not much. I've only ever had to shoot a gun once, but that's it". I said looking down to my feet.

"Ah ok. There's no need to share details. Here is a simple pistol (sorry, I don't know a lot about guns 😂). It'll be easier for you to control". Felix said whilst guiding me to the shooting range.

He showed me some thing about the gun, like how to reload it, turn the safety on and off and other things about different guns.

"So aim at the person where the bigger red circles are. They are places that if you were shot at you would either die straight away or from blood loss".

I aimed and shot at the figure. I aimed for the chest area. I closed my eyes and shot. I got it on the right side of it.

"Well done. Not bad for your first go". Felix praised me.

"Thank you. I didn't think I would even hit it to start off". I laughed a little bit.

Me and Felix kept practising. Felix stopped every now and a while to see how I was doing and if I needed any help. I was doing ok. I missed a lot but also hit it a few good times. We practised for about another hour until I felt a pair of arms around my waist. It startled me causing my to jump and elbowing the person behind me.

"Y/nnn, it's me". I recognised that voice instantly. I turned around to see Hyunjin gripping onto his side, hunch over slightly.

"Oh my god. Hyunjin I'm so so sorry. I didn't know it was you. Next times tell me that it's you" I said whilst helping him.

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