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Our Last Goodbyes

Hansuke sat outside on the grass by the koi pond in a meditative position as he breathed deeply in hopes to calm and clear his mind. It had been hectic since the Chunin Exams that the whole village was abuzz with rebuilding, missions to other nations to strength ties, and the induction of a brand new Hokage; Hansuke just need a few minutes to himself before he would have to meet up with his team again to go do more missions around the village. Not only had things changed in the village, but things had looked different around the Hyuga Estate as well; Hansuke took notice to everything that went down in the home. Nami was nicer to him, a whole lot nicer to him for reason that he could not figure out for the life of him. She was around every corning waiting for him with kind words and looks of concern from her whenever he did anything that she deemed a danger. Hansuke tried to ask her what was going on, but she only stated she was neglecting her job as his protector and planned on making up for it; Hansuke only came to become suffocated by his over protecting cousin. Even Haru was a bit different than before, he seemed to be a bit clinging when it came to Hansuke, like not letting him go back to the park to hang out with the other smaller children. Hansuke was okay with his brother's wishes but Haru was becoming a little too engrossed in Hansuke's life that Hansuke was getting a bit sick of it. Hansuke had to sneak out of his own house to get away from the two and hang out with his friends. Hiashi became aware that his eldest son was escaping from the manor and Hiashi had a chat with Nami's and Haru's sudden smothering.

Of course, Hiashi was also to blame for Hansuke's sudden need to run away. Hiashi saw his son in a very new light, how he had put his life on the line for his village and disobeyed his orders to hide. Hiashi didn't really smother his son, but he did hang around for tea a bit longer than usual and would pat Hansuke's shoulder awkwardly and ruffle his hair as a sign of affection. It bothered Hansuke at first, but then it would make him smile since his father was trying. He sure would never be able to show Hansuke the affection his mother could, but Hansuke appreciated that he was getting better. Then Hansuke would like his father to stop since the man was giving the boy 'the talk' and it made Hansuke uncomfortable…very uncomfortable. Hansuke was thirteen and a shinobi, so he sure was aware that his voice may have cracked a few times and that sooner or later he wouldn't listen to his head when it came to girls. But Hansuke was frankly and simply a good-boy, a thirteen year old one that was still a bit young to be thinking about…those things.

Hansuke let out a deep breath and opened up his eyes and looked at the koi pond that would shimmer in the sunlight. He got to his feet and made his way off the estate, and of course he had passed Nami. She looked up at him and before he could ask Hansuke smiled and answered, "I-I must take more m-missions." She just nodded and Hansuke continued on his way out and walked through the gates with long strides but at a slow pace. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked about the village that was in the midst of repair but people still kept their high spirits about them. He admired that about his village; that no matter how much life threw at them, they always got right back to their feet. He took in a deep breath of air and continued on to the Hokage tower.

"Hansuke-kun," Kaori called as she and Satomi were already waiting outside the large red tower. Hansuke smiled as he waved at the two and laughed lightly when Akamaru ran up to him and began to circle around his feet as he approached his teammates. "Boy, stop that," Kaori scolded the white dog as she walked over and scooped him up before Hansuke could trip over him, "you are too affectionate towards Hansuke-kun." Hansuke lightly petted the dog's head. "How are you doing, you checking in with the doctor? That family keeping an eye on you, to be sure that nothing bad happens?" Hansuke tried to stop her but she then got this really sad face, "S-Since i-if anything were to happen to you again-"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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