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═══════════════╗CHAPTER ELEVEN• ᴀɢᴀɪɴ •

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The last few days you had been hooking up with Yoongi. It felt so damn good, but let's not get into the aftermath. You cried, felt horrible, guilt would swallow you whole. You just needed to get over Jungkook and this felt like the only way.

Yoongi inhales sharply as his cock slams into you continuously, fingers wrapped around your neck. The fingers on his other hand find your clit and you moan loudly as he draws circles on it while continuing his merciless thrusts.

"Oh, fuck," You whine into Yoongi's ear. "Just like that, Jungkook."

Your heart stops as soon as his name leaves your lips and Yoongi's thrusts halt. He pulls away from your neck and looks down at you.

"What did you just say?"


Fury is evident in Yoongi's facial expression along with his tone. His eyes narrow and his teeth clench together.

"Don't lie to me, Y/N."

"Yoongi, I didn't–"

Yoongi punches the pillow beside your head making you wince. Your eyes open with fear.

"Get off."

"Have you been sleeping with Jungkook?!"

"Yoongi, get off me!"

He grabs your jaw harshly, "Have you been fucking my rival?!"

You slap him across the face before pushing him off of you. He lands on the spot beside you and you stand, wrapping the bed sheet around your body. Yoongi sits up, covering himself with a pillow.

"Answer my fucking question, Y/N!"

"Yes!" You retort. "I have been fucking your rival! And what about it?! You fuck girls left and right! Why can't I have some fun too?!"

"Because you're a girl, Y/N! You can get pregnant! I can't!"

"Maybe you shouldn't have fucking crushed my birth control pills!"

"I crushed them so you would get pregnant with my kid! How the fuck was I supposed to know you were out hoeing around!"

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