Nothing at all

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Author's note: recently I read a fic on kuroyama on ao3 and it was really good so I decided to write something like that.
Fic's name is Will I be enough by
rubysilk98 it's a really good one.

Third POV

Right now a certain rooster haired scheming cat was having a life crisis because he finally decided to accept that he has a little (huge) crush on his ex-boyfriend's best friend.

Because how can he not when his now ex-boyfriend who was studying overseas and still is there. suddenly decided that they're not working out so they should break up and part their ways on a freaking text not even on a phone call.

He was so broken at that time but didn't tell anyone about him getting dumped and acted like nothing ever happened.

But the first one to notice that something was not right with him was the said crush Yamaguchi Tadashi the cute freckles chan.
Since they both study in same university. Both of them
are studymates since both of them have same lectures together, and even practice volleyball together sometimes since freckles chan didn't joined the university team. Overall they are good friends.

That day  kuroo wasn't in the mood to go to practice and didn't attended any lectures
Yamaguchi was bit on edge because of kuroo's unusual skipping in class and practice because as far as he knows kuroo wasn't a slacker or to skip his schedule you can say he is a boderline perfectionist. Yamaguchi decided to ask his friends and teammates but they also had no clue. He considered going to his place to check but dropped the idea cause kuroo is also a human had his life and needs.
He didn't get a nice sleep that night. Other day kuroo showed up for classes and practice and continued with their schedule. To others he won't look any different but yamaguchi could tell  that something was up. Call it a initution or a gut feeling.
Like Kuroo for once wasn't making much provocative jokes or conversation with an underlying motive or his  cheshire smile looked a little off.
And this went on for a few days until the third day when yamaguchi had enough of it and decided its time time to confront kuroo about this off and odd behavior , he was getting sick of it cause he definitely is not fond of a kuroo who was not real. But before that he contacted tsukki if he knew something and to of course catch up a bit cause they didn't really had much conversation after the other went abroad.
Yamaguchi didn't gave it much thought because he himself was busy half of the time.

He texted tsukki 'hey' he got a reply after six or seven minutes
'Hi' he quickly replied 'so how you doin anything new? '
'Nothing same as always exhausting.. Yours? ' other replied. yamaguchi knew the other wasn't really a fan of long texts
but when you have loud and not really disciplined friends and teammates in high school short conversations really doesn't happen most of the time.
'Same as you but kuroo's being bit OOC. It was a bit strange tbh.'
Yamaguchi replied straight to the point he doesn't want to waste much time on idle chat cause in his words tsukki can wait cause he is not here kuroo is. They can always text but he is also concerned about his friend's behavior.
Tsukki didn't replied for few minutes and it made yamaguchi
believe that the other knew something after two more minutes a reply came 'we broke up. We'll chat later I'm a bit busy'
'Oh ok talk to you later ' replied
yamaguchi and put his phone down.
He can't process the information he got and now it made more sense as to why kuroo was acting weird but tsukki's text felt a bit weird more like a simple comment and a bit cold he knew his best friend wasn't a person who shows much of his emotions except when he's being salty or making provocative comments snarky to be exact but it felt bit heartless for him to make it seem like he
didn't really gave it much thought but the pause he took before replying  or suddenly saying that he's busy  made it look like as if he doesn't want to talk about it because for certain he knew if the blond was a busy doing something or even a little bit to it he would've straight forward replied him to talk later.
But right now he needs to find kuroo because he knew to a certain range that suffering a heartbreak while keeping it inside and being broken isn't really good emotionally and physically.
He changed out of his clothes deciding to go to kuroo's place but before that he went to icecream store bought a
Bucket of chocolate-mint and butterscotch icecream because he really doesn't know what he was going to do after he reaching kuroo's place.
blame him and his experience Ice cream helps in heartbreak.

At kuroo's place

Kuroo didn't knew what to do after his break up with kei. At first he skipped which was the first time he ever skipped his classes and practice without a strong reason. He cried after his break up that whole day and was a total mess.
At night he was dazed and was thinking what should he do now.
Decided that he shouldn't skip another day because studies are important.
He went to university acted like nothing happened and was relieved that others didn't gave much thought to his absence and noticing that yamaguchi didn't ask about his absence it made sure that kei definitely didn't told him about their break up. And for certain he wants it to remain that way .
So here he was sitting on the floor with a photo album opened in his lap it was an album full of his and kei's photos from their dates to their overnight parties everything.
Looking through these photos and feeling all shit isn't something really good but what can he do cry like a heartbroken maiden (he isn't going to admit that but he did cried like that for a whole day). But he isn't in the mood to do his assignment.
So he is just going to do this without even thinking that it's only going to bother him.

With yamaguchi

On the way to kuroo's place.
On impulse he left his place to go to kuroo's but now he realise
What will he do after reaching there it's not like he's totally clueless but isn't able to come up with an idea.
He was engrossed in his own mental debate he didn't even realise that he was already at kuroo's apartment door and was already pressing the doorbell 'oh my suga' thought yamaguchi.

Kuroo was going through the pictures when he the doorbell since he was sitting in a very complicated position it's unexplainable how he was sitting like that. So it took him some difficulties getting up.
After he finally got up he has only one thing in his mind 'shoo away anyone who was at the door' he was in no mood to mingle with anyone at this moment.
He reached opened his door and saw yamaguchi standing there with ice cream in his hands.
He was quite surprised with is appearance because he didn't expected him to be here at the moment.
"What are you doing here yamaguchi? is there anything you need uh.. Help or something?" cause the other looked really troubled in kuroo's opinion. " Uh-ah no no I don't need anything it's just I bought ice cream t-to share... I think uhh forget that today I got an A+
on my project so I thought I-I s-should celebrate with someone... So I came here." Yamaguchi stuttered out. He was berating himself for being so awkward. "Oh.. Uh-uh sure come in" Kuroo welcomed him in.

Authors note: I'll post next part of this story later. Sorry for posting this late . Seriously I lost my inspiration to write anything after my exams last year I was so frustrated with education board. But then I checked my story it got 8k views I was seriously shocked because of it so I started reading fics after fics to get my back spirit to write about something I still hasn't gotten my spirit back but I still tried to write something. And the next part will also take some.
Be healthy and safe everyone.

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