Paper Crane

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Giotto di Vongola, was a happy and handsome young man, nearing in his 20's. Although he was not rich, doesn't own a car, and a house. But he was living like it was his last and was loved back by the person he gave his heart to.

Sawada Tsunayoshi. That was his name. Although the small brunet was a noble, famous for being a Sawada. He wasn't disgusted by him at all, instead, treat everyone equally and fairly no matter how high the status of such a person was. Granted, at first, he admired him for being good, and he would usually hang out with him if he coincidently saw him because he wasn't like those toxic nobles. But soon after getting to know the brunet, his heart fluttered whenever he was near.

He fell for the small brunet hard and instantly confessed his love for him which Tsuna happily, without hesitation, accepted his single rose as he worked hard for it.

But the brunet didn't last long since he was going to Paris...
"I'm never coming back here ever again. I can't see a future where I'm with you Giotto... And my parents don't accept my relationship with you." Tsuna sadly spoke with a suitcase in his hand.

"Let's break up... and go our separate ways ..." Tsuna added, running without ever explaining anything to him.

'Sayonara...Giotto...' The brunet frustratedly shed tears while running.

Heartbroken, he mentally agreed. He doesn't have money or anything he could offer to him to make him stay so he let go of Tsuna with a curt nod slowly as he started walking away, hiding his tears in the rain.

'I'm only a street rat...' he repeatedly chanted on the back of his mind.

'It was too good to be true... you were only being an idiot, falling for a noble. Stupid Giotto.'

It was supposedly his birthday tomorrow in which they would spend time together, basking in each other's warmth but he doesn't feel like celebrating the time of his birth after what happened.

After which he gained his confidence back, he worked hard from morning to night, slogging his body and mind with the help from his annoying but fun gang,

"You never fail until you stop trying." He always told himself. "I must make it in life!" He always encouraged himself if he ever was feeling down. He managed to make a company of his own named Vongola.

Now he was filthy rich, and not just rich, he was even ranked higher than a mere noble. He already got a collection of cars in his mansion, thousands of girls lusting over him, plus anything he wants. He gets it through his money.
Just as he was about to return to the mansion, after a heavenly food trip to a local restaurant, he spotted his ex-boyfriend's manipulating parents, namely Nana and Iemitsu. He glared at them. They were drenched in the rain even though they have an umbrella. The Sawada's, by this time, were bankrupt fending for themselves in the streets, just like he was before.
With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury car. He wanted them to know that he wasn't the same street rat from before, and look at what he achieved so far after Tsuna dumped him.
But before Giotto could realize, the couple was walking towards a local cemetery. He got out, feeling dread as he got out of his car and secretly followed them.
While trailing them from behind, he was curious as to why they came here so late in the afternoon and in a rainy day too.
The couple stopped which also caused him to halt. He widened his eyes before tears started to form at the sides of his eyes. It seems time has stopped at that very moment as he watched.
His ex-boyfriend, a photograph of him smiling sweetly as ever, at him from his tombstone. And he saw his paper crane in a bottle placed beside his tomb. The couple saw him but looked back with a sorrowful expression.
He slowly walked over towards them, not taking his eyes the picture. He was still in disbelief in denial and thought that this was some kind of joke or even a dream he begged that it was not real.
Irrationality took over him as he shouted desperately but pleadingly at the couple for answers.
"How??!! Why... Why!!! Dammit...!"
Iemitsu sigh as he explained since Nana was crying, clinging to his chest helplessly.
"Tsuna... Tsunayoshi didn't leave for Paris at all..."
'He didn't leave!? Then why break up with me?!' He thought as he earnestly waited for him to continue.
"Tsuna was... diagnosed with cancer in the heart until the very day he died. He believed that he might somehow make it through. Tsuna didn't want his illness to be an obstacle for you in obtaining success in life..."
"So... he brutally, with an aching heart, decided... to choose to leave you..."
"I had never seen Tsuna with that kind of face as if he was like making a bad decision in his entire life..."
"He wanted for you to grow and spread your free wings unlike him, that'll never fly again."
"Why didn't he tell me?!" He yelled at them. Did they really hate me so much that they'd keep this a secrete from me until now?!
Nana, at that time, calmed down and answered instead. "Tsuna... loved you too much to be hurt, dear. He even made you think that we were against your relationship. But in truth, we were very, supportive of it."

"The last words for you were

'...if there is ever a day comes when fate brings you to him again, you can take those paper cranes back with you.'"

"Tsuna... Tsunayoshi..." The blond had wept, continuously called his name. But deep down, he knew he couldn't see him again. Choking from his sobs in front of his grave, he kneeled down and hugging the tomb as the rain falls down harder to the earth. His expensive suit was soaked but he didn't care.

As he looked down to see the date of his death, he cried even more as it was only a year after he was fortunate in life...
And was the day of the opening of Vongola, his birthday...
January 1, XXXX
He may have what some wanted in their entire life, but he couldn't be happy without a little love in his heart...
'I love you...Giotto.'

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