Ch.12 The Broomstick race

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Thanks for 200 READS! I am so happy now and thanks for all your support! Thoughts will be in italics!

"Grindelwald! Haha Gred, such a nice name. George said walking with his twin towards the Slytherin table.

"Here is not welcome for filthy
Gryffindors." Draco said with disgust.

The Weasley twin ignored Draco and started to talk to Hadrian.

"I heard that you have nearly make our ronniekins expelled at school and you will pay for that. We will wait for you at Saturday's noon and we will race our broomstick. We will wait for you at the flat lawn and race to the East side of the forbidden forest. Ronniekins will be our judge. Not coming? Such a scaredy cat." They smirked and walked to their first lesson.

"Should we race them? Weasel was the judge we must loose." Blaise said

"I will go there, they will think I am a scaredy cat if I ignored them." Hadrian said.

"How about loos-" Draco got interrupted by Hadrian using the silencing spell at him.

"I will use the speed boosting spell on my nimbus two-thousand." Hadrian said.

Professor Dumbledore was eyeing Hadrian suspiciously and he turned to look at Ron Weasley looking at Hadrian with anger.

Dumbledore's thought:
'The Hadrian Grindelwald again. I had saw him laughing with Draco that night when Ron got caught in the trophy room. It must be him who stun them. I will gonna expell him with any excuse.

Dumbledore was lost in thought until Professor Mcgonagall asked him what was he doing. He took a last look at Hadrian and went to do some research about him in the library.

----Saturday, noon----

"Hadrian, are you really going to race your broomstick with the Weasleys?" Draco said pulling Hadrian's hand at the great hall.

Hadrian ignored him and ran to get his broomstick. 

"Jacuro!" Hadrian said pointing his wand at his nimbus two-thousand and a blue light shot out of his wand meaning he has done the extra speed spell.

Hadrian carried his broom and went down to the flat lawn and saw Ron and Hermione sitting beside a tree as nd the Weasley twin standing aside their broom sharing identical evil grins.

"We thought you will never come  Grindelwald. Praying to Merlin to win?" Ron said.

Hadrian ignores him and climed on his broomstick.

"Okay in 3,2,1 start!" Hermione said putting a pair of binoculars to her eyes.

Fred and George kicked the ground and they immediately zoomed towards the East side of the forbidden forest. Hadrian followed them and soon caught up.

"Expelliarmus!" George yelle pointing his wand from his robes and Hadrian fell backwards for a few meters. Luckily Hadrian held on to his broom by Draco's levitation charm.

"Go for Grindelwald!" A group of Slytherins shouted at the edge of the black lake.

Using the extra speed spell on his broom, Hadrian took the lead easily and the Weasley twin kept trying to knock him out his broom but failed.

Hadrian saw the finish line and saw the Weasley twin was miles away from him. But suddenly, a itchy feeling coming from his toe covered his body and he figured he was frozen by the charm and fell down to the grass.

"Fred and George Weasley won!" Ron shouted waving his hand at his brothers. Hadrian got unfrozen by Draco and immediately ran to argue with the Weasleys.

"IT IS UNFAIR! YOU HAVE FROZE HADRIAN WHEN HE NEARLY REACHED THE FINISH LINE!" Blaise shouted pointing his finger at Hermione.

Hermione stayed silent and the Weasleys laughed like mad.

'Percificus Totalus." Hadrian said in his mind using wordless and wandless magic. Ron immediately fell  over and stiff like a stone statue.

"How dare you used the curse on my brother! You will get tge consequence!" The Weasley twin said pointing their wand at Hadrian pointing their wand. "Impedimenta!" They both shouted but got reflectd by Hadrian's shield charm and they're blasted away.

Hermione screamed and ran back to the castle to find the professors.

"Hadrian Grindelwald! What are you doing!"  Professor Mcgonagall ran down the stairs with Hermione crying behind her.

Professor Mcgonagall's face was chalk-white when seeing two third years and a first year student being knocked out by Hadrian without a wand.

"You three, go to  the Headmaster's office. Let him see what you had all done." Professor Mcgonagall said pointing her  hand at Hadrian, Draco and Blaise. They walked to Professor Dumbledore's office without emotion and Professor Mcgonagall leading them at the front.

The Weasel gang laughed at the front of the stairs and they're surrounded by some Gryfindors Sixth years laughed with them also.

'We are doomed.' Hadrian thought of it and immediately there was a few tears at his eyes. They turned around a corner and there was Professor Dumbledore's office.

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