Zee: No way, you met Louis and he told you he likes you?! You gotta be kiddin me you jsjdhsjshsjjs
Curly: It's no joke, believe me. I'm so happy guys!
Li: What Z is trying to say is, we're happy for you! Make sure to introduce him to us when you're going to marry!
Curly: Oh god li we're not even dating!
Zee: Yet
Li: ^^
Curly: shut it, by the way how is it going there? Whatcha all doing this holiday?
Li: Nothing much here honestly, was camping last weekend
Curly: Nice! What about you Z?
Camping with Liam
Zee: Oh nothing, just chilling
Curly: Cool! Sorry lads gtg now, Gemma and I are going to fetch some dinner.
Zee: sure see ya later!
Li: Have fun with your loverboy!
Curly: *banned Li from the chat*
Zee: Dang