Note: Places in this story are all fictional. Any resemblance to actual places or names of person; maybe living or dead are purely coincidental.
Screaming crowds around me
"Good Evening Rojas State!" Harry screamed and it made the whole coliseum rocked and rolled
"Are you having fun?" Niall asked and everyone keeps on saying
'Yes. Please marry me Niall!'
Everyone keeps on shouting and yelling their bias' names.
"You should. Because if you don't, we all here will lose our job" Louis joked and they started another song
It was Steal My Girl and everyone keeps on joining them.
With banners "Twitter names, groups, etc" they raised their hands and followed the songs rhythm and harmony.
Everyone screamed and everyone rejoiced on the chorus
"Everybody want to steal my girl.
Everybody want to take her heart away.
Couple billion in the whole wide world.
Find another one cous she belongs to me"
The crowd joined One Direction and at last they finished the song
The concert continued and the time's running fast.
I see myself now in my bed hugging my pillow.
Theconcert'sfun, butIamtiredI thought as I swinged my legs to be comfortable.
It is one Saturday afternoon, and I checked my twitter.
1D boys tweeted "follow spree" with the hashtag #1DFollowSpree
So as what I always do when theyre followspree-ing, I spammed each of their accounts.