chapter 2:unexpected guests

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I was in the living room just minding my business till Alastor came the room.

Alastor:Hello error!

Error:........WhAt dO yOu wAnT NoW?

Alastor:I know you sense something error.


Alastor:let me guess your brother.

Error:YeAh wHY?

Alastor:he is comming here soon.


All of the hazbins:whats going on?!

Alastor:error brothers nightmare,and geno is comming here along with a fellow name cross.

Error:OH HELL NO!!!!!!!!
CrOSs aNd gEnO is fiNe buT....

Charlie:why not nightmare?


Niffty:can you tell us what your brothers did that got them straight to hell?

Error:uGH FiNe mY OldEr bRoThEr NIghtMaRe KiLleD mY bUnNY aNd hUrt Me pHySicAl and MenTaL dAilY.
WhIle gEnO My YoUnGer broTheR
cOmMite SuCIde sInCe He caNT TaKe tHe PaIn aNyMoRe.

For the first time I saw Alastor shocked while the others are shocked as well mix with sadness.

Then we heard a knock and a voice at the door.

???:hello bro are you in there if you are can I see you please?
We never see each other for 23 years.

That voice sounds like geno.

I teleoport at the door and Open the to see myself Geno,Cross.

I teleoport at the door and Open the to see myself Geno,Cross

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and.....nightmare behind them.

nightmare behind them

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Geno:hey Y/N.

Error:hEy DaNIeL,aNd aLeX.

Nightmare:what about me Y/N?

Error:YoU dOnT coUnT.

Cross:is there chocolate Y/N?

Error:hey ChArLie is TheRe chOcolAtE?

Charlie:Yeah why?

Cross:Can I have some please?

(I know this is short but can you guys give me ideas please?
Also which should be your girlfriend vaggie or niffty?)

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