Bad Dreams

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Bad Dreams

Patrick's PoV

"I can't do this anymore Patrick. I'm just not happy" she signs, her voice telling of just how frustrated she is. How sad she is.

I can't speak. I can't move. I want to beg her to give me a chance to fix this, only my tongue won't follow my commands.

Her eyes water. Tears fall and yet I'm still unable to reach out to her.

"You're not even gonna say anything?" She cries, wiping the dampness from her cheeks angrily.

My heart is thudding with panic. My blood running cold as she shakes her head in disappointment.

Please don't leave me. I can make you happy. I can...what if I can't? What if she's just bored of me now.

"Sofia..." I push out her name but even that's an effort, my throat closing up rapidly. Sucking in a gasp of air, I try to form more words.

"I have to go. I can't be here any longer" she states, her cheeks red and her bottom lip quivering.

My insides are being torn apart from seeing her this way. My heart breaking because I can't stop her or change her mind. It's like I'm trapped in own body. A statue.

All I can do is watch the scene play out in front of me.

She turns from me, my heart stops completely. She can't go. She can't leave me. I love you. I need you.

No. Please.


I'm screaming, the voice in my head fighting to make audible sound.

Nothing. Not even a whisper.

She just keeps walking until I can barely see her anymore.

Then suddenly I'm hearing her voice again as if she's whispering right in my ear.

"I never really loved you anyway"

No don't say that! No

"I hate you"

Those three words ring in my ears as I jolt awake, my eyes snapping open as if I've been shocked back to life with a defibrillator.

I'm freezing cold but my skin is sticky with sweat. My heart really is thudding as I frantically dart my gaze around the dark room.

I can't see shit but I know I'm at home. I'm in bed and Sofia should be right next to me.

Sliding my hand over the duvet cover, my fingers come into contact with a warm body. Immediately my heart begins to settle, my breathing slowing back to normal. She's here.

Just a bad dream.

It's okay.

Shifting closer to her, I gently pull her to me until her head is resting on my chest. With a sigh of relief I close my eyes and try to forget my nightmare.

Only my actions have her stirring, her hand moving up my chest and her body pressing closer to mine. Which helps me feel even better.

She sighs contently and I assume that she's not really awake. Until her hand rests over my heart, a small gasp following her action.

"Patrick? What's wrong? Your heart is racing" she breathes, her tone concerned.

My eyes are beginning to adjust and I can make out the shape of her shifting a little to lean on her elbow. Her other hand slides over my shoulder leaving welcome heat in its wake.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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