Part 2

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Draco and his friends were getting closer, and at this point, you didn't know if you should run away or suck it up. "Sparrow. Nice to see you again old friend." Malfoy said. Old friend? Where does he get that from? I've never seen this guy a day in my life. "Old friend?" You say hastily. "Do you seriously not remember?" He said a little bit shocked, "Well I guess not. We were six, and I saw you and your dad at that one death-eaters meeting."

How does he even remember that? And why does he know that? A little bit shocked, you replied, "How did you know about that? More importantly, how did you even remember that if you were six?" Draco and his friends laughed at this. "Pretty good memory I guess". Draco replied.

You were done with this a-hole and his little posse at this point, so you just turned right around and left. "Wait! I wasn't finished talking to you!" Draco said. "Yeah right. See you at the sorting ceremony I guess." You said as you turned around. You walked backward slowly but didn't turn around in time because when you finally looked back you ran face-first into the castle in front of everyone. "Nice one Sparrow. See you then." Draco said as he finally left.

You walked up to the castle with your head throbbing from impact. 'I can't believe I did that in front of everyone..' You quietly thought. The memory of your face smacking the hard brick. 'Ouch.' You thought again. But when you finally entered Hogwarts, you were pleasantly surprised to find Cate and Ashley waiting for you. "Oh look, our favorite little Mudblood." Ashley chimed. You rolled your eyes playfully and followed Cate to the Gryffindor table. 

"What house do you think you're going to be in?" She asked, the excitement rising in her voice. "Oh, I don't know," you replied, "Maybe Ravenclaw, my dad was one." Other Gryffinfdors whispered to each other between glances.

You nervously sat, itching to get out of your stupid seat. "When does this thing start?" You asked, the internal panic rising in your voice. "Oh calm down," Cate said, "It will start soon now sit still." But the thing was that you didn't know if you could any longer. You gave a small wave to Ashley as you could feel her eyes on you. "Students," Dumbledore chimed, "The sorting ceremony will begin now!"

 Your face went pale, and cheeks flushed with anger as you realized Malfoy was staring at you. He gave you a playful wink as he turned back around. What an ass. Who does he think he is anyway? 

You looked away for a brief moment, only to see that when you looked back everyone was staring at you. Confused, you realized you had to get sorted. Nervously pulling out your chair, you started walking down the long path. 'Who even makes a carpet this long anyway?' You thought. You looked back for a second to see your three favorites watching you closely. Draco smirking as you fumbled around with your fingers. Once you finally made it up to that dreaded stool, some people stopped caring. Sadly most still had their eyes on you. Dumbledore placed the hat upon your head and after about five seconds of silence, the hat chimed,

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