1st year: Playform 9 3/4

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I had never fealt more nervous then today. I came from a purblood family my mother a slytherin and my father a hufflepuff my mother was a bit of an Icey woman but overall very nice. She did have her prejudice against Gryffindors but I blame that on the way she was raised, my father is a halfblood his mother was a wizard and father was not, he's quite different from my mother-very huggy and loved showing affection he's the type of dude who would bring sweets to your classroom on your birthday.

And then there's my brother he's one year younger then me also very nice we always joke about how he would make a fine hufflepuff one day.

I'm very close to him and I don't think anything or anybody could change that, I was comfortable with my life. Happy with it, I was nervous to get my letter at first, afraid to go to Hogwarts not because I thought I could be dangerous but because I didn't want to leave my family. Their my best friends I was afraid I wouldn't be liked there, but I new the day would come when I get my letter I was dreading it, hoping that I might be a squib, of corse I knew I wasn't because I had shown magical capabilities before.

I remember the day I got my letter Friday afternoon I was in the living room play a game with my brother when a bird flew in with a letter my mom looked at me with a smile on her face, my heart dropped as I knew what the letter would contain. I stood up and slowly walked to my mother who was standing in the kitchen. I look down in my mothers hand and saw what it said "to M. May from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" I read aloud,

"well go on open it" my mother said, she was quite an impatient woman.

I opened the letter and and read it aloud for I bit then finished the rest in my head

"to miss Merla May you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, bellow you will find all your need tools to star off the year," I read all the supply in my head then looked up at my mother she looked as if she could cry

"I'm going to Hogwarts" I said nervously. My mother wrapped her arms around me and shook me around

"aw my baby girl is going to Hogwarts!" I didn't really see this type of happiness from such a stern woman, it almost made me uncomfortable to be honest, once she loosened her grip on me she said

"we will have to tell your father once he's home." My mother gave me a sweet smile then tuck a stran of black hair begins her ear she turned away back to the kitchen sink and clapped her hands together

"you will make a fine hufflepuff or slytherin student Merla I'm sure of it" my brother who was now standing behind me tugged on my sleeve and said

"are you gonna go?" My brother was well aware of my odd fear of Hogwarts as he was usually the one I confided in

"of corse she's gonna go" my mother said chopping some carrots

"Do I have to go" I protested in a whiny voice.

"Yes! Of corse you have to go" my mother stop and turned towards me.

"But what if they don't like me?"

"Merla," my mother stepped toward me put her hand on my shoulder and lifted my face to see hers she looked into my eyes which proved to me we where gonna have a serious conversation, I looked into my mothers deep icy blue eyes, they where very pretty but also quite scary

"I know your afraid that people won't like you, I was that way to. And being put in slytherin didn't help, you know about the stereotypes, but you have to understand your Hogwarts house is and will always be like your second family your not gonna like all of them but your gonna find a group of friends and you will stick with them forever, that's what Hogwarts gives you. A second family," my mothers eyes looked as if she was going to cry she had not seen her friends in years, half of them dead nobody knows how they died and the other half ran away.

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