my cum

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3dtc walked over to msps, and they both vigorously
made out.

they both walked home together and immediately screamed "SFH" at the top of their lungs. the neighbours filed a complaint and they lost custody of their house. needless to say they both made out again

windo and sola began walking through a city in hopes of finding money (they became homeless and want money) instead of actually buying a home the dumbasses decided theyd buy black tar heroin instead of getting shelter. they actually didnt care about it they just wanted to get high as fuckk

they eventually got the money they needed and did you know what.

6 hours later they end up getting ran over due to being high as fuck and woke up in a small hospital

they left 5 minutes later because theyre fucking dumbasses though lol and the same thing happened except they both got fucking crippled

few days later they both went on a plane trip to america

to be continued

msps x 3dtc Where stories live. Discover now