Chapter 2 - Dos And Don'ts Of Shifting

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Alright, welcome to the next chapter! In this chapter, I will quickly be talking about some things you should be doing while shifting and in your DR, and some things you shouldn't be doing while shifting and in your DR. It is a simple list. Follow it, and your shift will be an amazing experience!

Let's start with the dos.


1. Write a detailed script! The more detail you have, the more you will like your DR. If you write out absolutely every single detail, the universe will know exactly what to do. The more detail, the better! Scripting is not necessary at all, because the universe knows what you want. I personally like everything to be exact so find writing a detailed script makes my DR something I like more.

2. Thank the universe! Thanking the universe can go a long way. At the end of the day, it does a lot for you. Make sure you show your thanks! (It can even help you shift faster)

3. Meditate! This will help ground your chakra energies. The more grounded your energies are, the faster you will shift. Meditating is not necessary, though some people find meditating right before trying to shift helps clear their mind so they are not distracted with other thoughts while shifting.

4. Listen to subliminals! Listening to those will raise your good vibrations and help you shift. I suggest making a playlist with subliminals and listening to it while meditating and while trying to shift! They are not necessary, and some people find them distracting. I don't use subliminals anymore and shift just fine!

5. Be patient! It might take a few days, weeks, even months, of just trying every night. But, once you shfit once, you will be able to every time. If you change your script a lot, like shifting to a different place, it might take another few weeks to get to that exact DR.

6. Check over your script! Mistakes are common in writing, so it is a good idea to check over your script to make sure you got everything correct.

7. Read your script out loud! This could help you believe in your DR more. If you just read it in front of a mirror, maybe even memorize it, it can quicken the time it takes to shift.

8. Be careful! Even though it is a DR, there are still dangers. Before shifting, know all of the dangers of the place your shifting to. You can script them out if you would like.


1. Don't be mean. First of all, you should never be mean, but you might think it's okay in your DR. Know that your DR is real, and all the people there are real. They have real feelings. If you are mean, if you play them, break their heart, force them to do things they don't want to, it will really hurt them. Treat them like you would people in your CR. They are as real as everyone else.

2. Don't commit bad crimes. I don't know why anyone would actually want to, but please don't if you were thinking about it. First of all, the DR is real, so that would be affecting that reality. Also, it feels so close to your CR, and it could chage your brain and make you want to commit another one, this time in your CR. So please, just follow the laws and rules of your DR.

3. Don't kill anyone. This goes back to the one that was talking about commiting crimes, but I wanted to adress this one on its own. If you kill someone, it feels so real. You might get confused and think you did it in your CR, as well. You will feel guillty, and it will hurt many people in the DR. If it is a certain reality where killing is apart of it, then that is okay, but I mean to not go around and kill people out of cold blood for no reason.

4. Don't give up if it takes a long time to shift. Yes, it might take a long time to finally get there, but I promise you will get there sometime.

That covers it! These are just some basic things to remember. They will all help you be sucsessfull while shifting!

See you in the next chapter! Have a nice day :)

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