him and i

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I was at my boyfriend's house. He showed up, introducing himself as my boyfriend's best friend. Beautiful, curly, dark hair, incredible green eyes. Freckles all over his nose, cheeks, shoulders.

A cigarette in one hand, a can of beer in the other. He looked at me, from head to toe, and didn't seem to like me very much. It hurt, but, who cares, right? I already had a boyfriend.

Two weeks later, my boyfriend told me I wasn't enough. That he didn't love me as he loved his ex. He needed to get back to her.

But he was there for me. He called me, asked me if I was okay, took me out for a drink. He told me that his friend was stupid for letting me go.

We drank straight-up vodka on the rocks in huge glasses.

He laughed at the pajamas I was wearing the night we met.

He told me his deepest secret, I told him mine.

He offered me a cigarette in the middle of the rain,

I offered him another drink just to stay with him.

He walked me home, super drunk singing Purple Rain at the top of our lungs and getting yelled by people that had to go to work the next morning.

We looked into each other's eyes when we reached my door. And he kissed me so slowly I thought I was dying.

I fell in love with him the moment he walked through that door.

He saw me in my nasty ass pajamas, and just watched how I was looking at him. Like he was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen.

And he was.

Two years later,

here we are. In love like fools, planning our wedding, coming up with names for our kids.

And though I wish I could go back to the night we met, I still enjoy this one.

It feels good to have him by my side, just sleeping. Loving me, and knowing that he's loved.

thank you for reading (:

please let me know what you think.

please make sure to vote and comment.

Be safe and wash yo hands ;)

Stay beautiful,♥♥♥

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