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Hello! My name is Kurei Midoriya. My name is Kurei cause my dad named me. Right now im on my way to class. "Brother I miss you." i said softly remembering my younger brother who killed him self when he was 6. I yawned. "Oh look. Its worthless Rue!" I heard the younger boy laugh. "What do you want kacchan?" i asked. He didnt answer and he beat me up, giving me new bruises and burns. After school i got attacked by a green blob. All might saves me and when he left i grabbed his leg. He tried to push me off and told me to let go but i pointed out that if i let go i would die. "Oh." was his reply. Now im walking home after thinking about what he said. "Sorry. ith out a quirk you cant be a hero." I heard screaming and decided to check it out. I ran to the front and my eyes widened when i saw green blob on kacchan. "Kacchan!" I yelled running towords him. I threw my book bag at him and tried to scrape the goo away. "You idiot!Why are you trieing to save me?!?" Kacchan asked mad. "You looked like you asking for help." i said crying with a big smile. All might saved him and i got scollded by the heroes. "Hehehe." i laughed nervouesly. I started walking home and bakugo ran up to yelling at me not to help him. When he left i sighed. "Guess i should look for careers to go into." i said to myself. "I am here!" i hear all might yell. "A-all might? Why are you here?" i asked. His body smoked as he changed into skelly might. He told me that his quirk is able to be passed down from generation to generation and that true hero's bodys moved before they thought about it. I fell on my hands and knees crying softly. I got back up and whiped my tears away. "Will you be the one i give my quirk too?" he asked. "Yes!" i said with a big smile as tears quietly fell down my face. "Hmph. An answer right away. I thought you might say that." he said with a smile hold his forehead. He told me that i should clean up the beach. I smiled. "Yes sensei!" i said after he told me what i would be doing. After about 9 months i finished cleaning the beach. Im standing on top of the pile i had made from the trash and im yelling out a warrior cry. When i stop my body relaxes and a fall. All might catches me and puts me down. "Great job! Young Midoriya!" he said with a smile. He pulled one of his strands of hair and held it out. "Eat this!" he said. "EH???" i asked confused. The next month i worked on training my body more and started training my new quirk. Today is the entrence exam. I nearly fell but instead of falling i was floating. Later once i finelly got inside the gates i looked around i saw the brown haired girl. "I should wish her luck." Suddenly a blue haired boy was infront of my face. "What are you going to do destarct her and ruin her chances to succeed?" he asked. "Huh? W-what? No!" i said waving my hand in front of my body. I got away from him and sighed. 'Im older then the others here...' i thought to my self. I let out a breath and went to where the others were. 

After the exam

'I hope i get in.' i thought to myself walking home. I plugged my earbuds in and listene to some music

Quite a few months later

I got in and met my teachers. Lately i keep fanasizing about my homeroom teacher. I can control alot of the power from one for all. "Now listen teachers will be visiting your parents to get you in dorms." Aizawa said walking down the row im in when he went back up he dropped a piece of paper on my desk. He told the class that he was going to take a nap. After class i told iida and the others that a teacher wanted to talk to me. I quitely unzipped aizawa's sleeping bag and got on top of him. "if you wanted to cuddle you coulda just said so." he grumbled wrapping one of his arms around me. I remembered that the teachers were still here so i sat up. He groaned. "S-Sorry!" i apologized. I got off and stretched. "I um need to go do you need me for anything?" i asked. "No you can go." he replied. I left and went to the bathroom. I checked my arms to see if my soulmate wrote anything. 'Are you lazy?' i wrote for my soulmate. I grabbed my stuff and walked home. Just before i went to sleep i noticed a 'yes' on my arm. I chuckled. I went to bed. When i woke up i felt strange. "Nyaaa~" i googled it and learned that im in heat because my soulmate is in a rut. I grabbed my phone.

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