Chapter Thirteen

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The day had started with such a quietness, it made her wonder what was about to happen. She like the feelIng of being predictable, or being able to take everything for granted, but Can was just the opposite. He loved to be spontaneous, frivolous and " taking a chance" seemed to be his middle name. So for him to invite this lady to their home, was definitely a spontaneous thing to do, but she liked it. He turned to see her standing in the doorway of the nursery, " So are we having company today, or was that a bluff." She asked, walking by him slowly, tracing her finger across his chest. He smiled, " I'm not sure, I guess we'll find out." Are you upset about it?" He asked, holding on to her arm as she walked by. " No not at all, it was a very smart move, I get to see what I'm up against." She smirked, giving him a wink. He threw his head back, " Oh my god Sanem, you're not serious are you, it's nothing like that." He spewed, as he pulled her up close to him. " Don't even think anything like that, because it's not possible, there's no competition when it comes to you." He said, firmly kissing her lips, letting her know he was serious. She moved closer to him, " There better not be, I really don't like competition, it brings out the evil in me." She said, biting at his bottom lip. He smiled slightly, but wasn't quite sure if she was kidding or not. 

He peeked his head in the nursery to make sure they were all taken care of, before following her to the kitchen. She was making tea, but her last words still rang in his head, " Sanem, just how evil do you get, I've never seen that side of you before." He asked, rubbing his beard. She smiled,     " You'll know it when you see it, my dear. She said, going to sit on the sofa. He stared at her, still not sure of the entire situation. " How about some breakfast?" He spouted, jumping up from his chair. She nodded, turning her head to smile at his actions. It took about 2 hours for Emre to relay the message to Can, " Ms. Gulden would be delighted to visit you at your home, she said." Are you sure about this Abi, I mean, is Sanem ok with it." He asked, still shocked at Cans proposal. Can was watching Sanem, sitting in the garden writing, something he hadn't seen her do in several days, " Yes Emre, I'm sure and Sanem is fine with it. Maybe this lady will get it, if she sees us as a family." He said, ready to end the call, so he could join his wife in the garden. Emre agreed, and hoped his brother was right. " You need to set a time for the meeting and let me know, and do you want me and Leila to join you as well?" He asked. Can wanted to ask Sanem about the time first, before saying, but he didn't feel they needed Emre and Leila, so declined his offer. 

Sanem looked up as Can walked out, " Was that Emre, by the way, when are they coming to visit, I really miss my sister?" She asked. " Yes it was Emre, and Ms Gulden has agreed to meet here, I just need to know what time you think we should have her over." He asked, carefully studying her face. She wanted to tease Can about a little , but she could see he was serious about it, so she changed her mind. " Maybe early afternoon, you want her to meet the babies or not, because we have our routine of playtime with them after their midday feeding, you know." She replied, hoping he would agree with her. " Oh, whatever time you think, I want her to get the picture, I want you and the babies present." Sanem nodded, " Ok, then 2:00 it is, we'll carryon as usual, and show off our babies to their daddy's new girlfriend." She said, trying to keep a straight face. " Sanem, that's not funny, don't ever say that again." He spouted, squinting his eyes at her. She laughed, " I'm sorry, I couldn't help it, you just seem so nervous, I was just trying to lighten the mood." She said, reaching over to stroke his face. " It will be fine Can, I'm beside you every step of the way, and so are your children. Even if you decide you want to do the modeling, we will make it work." Just the truth, ok, that's all I want." She whispered to him, seeing how her comment had hurt him. Can nodded in agreement, " Babe, I want this woman to see what my life is, and what I want it to be. No interruptions or games, you all are my life and I don't need anything else." He stated, holding her hands in his. 

Emre knew his brother had more nerve then he did, inviting a woman like that to his home with his wife and kids. He still remembered the meeting with her and the way she looked at him. She didn't seem the type to get the hint. " Ms. Gulden, Can would like to set a meeting with you for tomorrow at 2:00, at his home, if that works for you." He replied, waiting for her answer. She quickly agreed, and Emre told her he would send the address. " There's no reason to send the address, I know exactly where he lives, but thank you so much for setting this up for me." She said, her voice giving him a weird feeling. " Your welcome, but don't thank me for anything, and don't assume this is a done deal, just because of this meeting. My brother is a hard person to convince of something, if he really doesn't want to do it." He added, hoping she would get the hint. Leila wasn't happy about the meeting, and the fact it was at their home, but she felt that Sanem could definitely take care of herself. It just might be Ms. Gulden that didn't know what she was In for. 

Eda Gulden, she was a woman that was use to getting what she wanted. And the fact she had many wants, made her very bold and blunt when it came to getting it. Her appearance was always her strong point, she made sure it didn't match her age. He husband had left her the company and enough money to  maintain her lifestyle, along with the upkeep of her youthful look. In other words, she was a middle age woman, willing to pay anything to look like she wasn't. She had noticed Can Divit sometime ago, even before her much older husband passed on. He had struck a chord in her and she begin to follow his work. The news of him running the agency, set her wheels of thought turning. After her husband was gone, the company needed a new look and a jump start to be able to compete, so.....the new line was born, almost entirely for Can Divit. " Just About Men" or JAM,  was designed for him, for him to model and become the face of the name. The fact he was married, really never concerned her, she would take care of that.

But the children, that was the challenge, she never had them and didn't care to......

" Besides, how good could a woman look after having three babies at one time anyway."....She wondered, letting her mind picture what she thought.....

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