Chapter 5

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I am a person with a lot of issues. Simple ones and complicated ones. It all started when I was just a child and I  just grow along with those trying not to address any of it. Avoidance was pretty much the only way I was able to deal with it and I gotta admit. I'm quite sentimental too.

The reason why I can't let go of my bike though people look at it like it's a piece of trash and same goes for me hating dinosaurs.

I don't exactly remember when it started and why. I don't remember what happen but I'm pretty sure I was always reminded by the feeling.

Mixed emotions overwhelmed by anger. That's how I came to describe it.

My prankster of a sister told me once. Maybe once in a life time I was a fern waiting to be eaten by a dinosaur that's why I hated them. She could be pretty annoying most of the time but I love her.

And Eunjung gave me a doodled version of it today. It's not even well made but it's enough to stimulate something I dislike within me. Something I'm always trying to bury deep within but always finds it's way to resurface.

I crumpled the paper and throw it somewhere in the room.

I gotta get outta here before something wents out of control. I don't wanna be exiled in some foreign place once again.

I walk as fast as I could on the hallways ignoring everyone who are still talking about me because of that woman from the hallway earlier.

Eunjung didn't even gave me a decent answer and she still have the audacity to piss me off with that stupid drawing.

I wasn't really paying attention as I walk so I wasn't aware that something's blocking the way and collided right into it.

"What the hell?!" A furious outrage of the woman checking her white blouse with a coffee stain.

Oh shoot! Not an it.

It's a damn person!

I'm about to panic and readied myself to apologize when I realize who was it.


That's the only moment she stopped making a fuss on her blouse and look at me. I can see that her anger subsides when she recognize that it was me but she's still angry anyway.

"Nine. What kind of greeting is this? Are we starting another game now?" She said showing me her infamous smirk that I don't really like the meaning behind.

"N-no. No no no. I didn't mean it and I'm sorry. By the way I miss you and I'm gonna hug you but I still have class."  I said pertaining to her coffee stain.

"Oh really now? This is your fault may I remind you. So come here" She said squishing me into a tight hug more to annoy me than to express how much she misses me.

"Ew Thirdie. You're sticky. Gross."

"Deal with it. Be thankful that's the only payback you got from me. I'm being kind. Anyway, I have somewhere to be into and I'm running late." She said checking her watch.

"It's good to see you. Actually we and the gang should hang out soon enough to catch up. It's been a while. I'll see you Nine" She sincerly said before she go

The gang.

Well, she's right. It's been a long while since the last time we are all together.

I went to the cafetera to grab something to eat. I just noticed a little coffee stain on my shirt. I must've gotten it when Thirdie hugged me.

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