About Y/n

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Last name:Monoma
Looks:whatever you wanna look like idc really

Knights Armor - Transformation

The user can form a set of knights armor around their body. Doing so increases the users strength and defense, as well as provides them with a small shield and a short sword. While the quirk does not have any direct weaknesses, if the user has their sword or shield disarmed the armor will immediately be turned off, and will not be able to be turned back on for 30 minutes.

Portal Palms - Mutation

The user has two portals on the palms of their hands. The portals can consume anything of equal or smaller size. Whatever goes in one palm immediately goes outside of the other without any loss of momentum. The user can grow the portals size, however in doing so they can cause the skin on their hands to stretch and break.

Likes:Monoma,Crime shows,class 1-B,children shows,toys,movies,candy,Eri(their best friends!),coloring,playing,toys,stuffed animals,naps

Dislike:her past,death,murder,blood,some students from class 1-A,broken promises

Y/n's past
Y/n was kidnapped at the age of 3 and started to be experimented on,when ever she didn't listen she would be kicked,hit,slammed,slapped and etc she doesn't trust people easily. She used to bear gun shots go off sometimes because they're would've been fights to see who can keep her. She was shot two times before because of a miss fire when the hero saved her they promised to never forget her to never leave her behind. But they lied to her only few kept their promises but when monoma came her life was changed forever. In a good way.
Y/N doesn't remember her biological family and feels bad that she doesn't but at the same time she doesn't care for them at all.

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