Chapter 1

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A/N: btw this first two chapters are somewhat of a prologue so yeah just a heads-up

A/N #2: 'recess' is lunch. my bad; i aint american </3

And in case you haven't read the tags/description, this is a slow-burn wholesome bxb romance novel, so have fun :))


School. Ugh.

Actually, school is alright, I guess, because I can be with my friends and all (News Flash: living by yourself is very boring), but sitting down for seven hours and listening to teachers drone on and on? No thanks, I'd rather have Aunt Cam teach me again.

Being the first day of school today, Fernwood High has this tradition of doing a small play followed by an orientation. The plays are done by FHS Drama Club and it's usually the 'best' plays they've done. It's boring, honestly, and the plays get more ridiculous every year:

In Grade 9, they did one about a utopian future where robots and humans live in perfect harmony until one robot malfunctioned and started a revolution against humankind.

In Grade 10, they did a play about a dystopian future where robots and humans lived together but the robots were the ruling party and the humans had to work for them. Basically, it's the sequel to the previous year's play (not to mention kinda clichéd).

Then, last year, they did a one-man play about discovering the wonder of Las Vegas (to be honest, it's kinda funny, and the song's kinda catchy too). I wonder what this year would be, but I'll no doubt sleep through it (if I can).

"Ryder!" A voice greets me as I enter the canteen. Poe waves at me, his red hair sticking out everywhere as usual.

I start to walk towards our table but I am interrupted by the flow of students who just entered the school. The juniors this year are so short, you would've thought they were still elementary school kids. It's a miracle my level looks passable for high school students.

At our table, Vahn, Derek, Ethan and Poe are waiting for me and Nick. Typical Nick, always the last to arrive. I sit beside Poe and scroll through my Instagram feed mindlessly. A few minutes later, I feel a presence on my right side. I turn my head and I stare into Sinclair's crimson red eyes. ("Are those contacts?" I asked him when I first met him. "Nope." He told me, though I'm sure they were.)

I jump back, startled.

"Boo." He smiles, eyes twinkling with mirth, his jet black hair parted to the side.

"God, Sin, you atrocious knave." I swat him away like an irritating mosquito.

Sin laughs and ruffles my hair. "Cute," he says and sits beside Vahn. "Where's Nick?"

"He said he's coming soon," Ethan replies, not looking up from his phone.

He runs his hand through his sandy blonde hair and then he looks up, making eye contact with me. I shrug nonchalantly and return my gaze on my phone, though I feel my cheeks heating up. Sin snickers so I look up and stare daggers at him. It's not that I like Ethan or anything, I mean, making accidental eye contact is embarrassing enough, right? Plus, he's not my type, and he's got a girlfriend from some other school. But he does look good in that navy blue polo shirt. Sin wiggles his eyebrows at me teasingly.

"Shut up, Oliver." I sneer and Sinclair scowls at me. Calling Sin by his middle name is the only way to make him stop. Vahn snorts and Sin punches his arm. Derek starts to make a comment just to be extra but I don't listen.

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